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一个人死后就会重新投胎回到人间。Once you die you are reborn.

我相信我死后会投胎成蛇。I believe I will be reincarnated as a snake.

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可以这样说,结婚对女人就是第二次投胎。Can say, married to the woman is a second birth.

你什么毛病也没有,就算投胎转世也没得救的。There's nothing wrong with you that reincarnation won't cure.

你们在同意投胎到地球母亲就已经明白此点。You knew this when you agreed to incarnating on Mother Earth.

荷花投胎至贫苦的何家,取名素女。Lotus reincarnation reaches poor Home He, name element daughter.

于是龙女便下凡投胎在湄洲林家。So she got into the cycle of reincarnation to Lin's family Meizhou.

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依我看来,死了就是死了,并没有什么投胎转世。That is exactly what my view of death is without any reincarnation.

天使带著一群排队要去投胎的灵魂。Angel has crowd of lines to have to go to the metempsychosis the soul.

葡萄被男人的模样迷得昏了头,恍惚像过世丈夫的投胎转世。He stuns Grape with his appearance, seemingly her late husband's reincarnation.

如果我们把睡觉当作死亡一般来看待,那么醒时或说生时是人,梦为蝴蝶就是死后投胎了。If we looked sleep as death, we were human when live and butterfly after death.

黄教的班祥会投胎成为灵童,黑教则转世为天童。The class will be reincarnated yellow bransh boy, black teach is becoming youth.

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首先,大部分医生会把第一次检查安排在婴儿2周时,尤其是投胎宝宝。Most doctors schedule a first checkup at age 2 weeks, especially for the first baby.

我在下面一直都在练棒球,希望投胎的时候,可以比陈金锋跟厉害。I"m practicing baseball down here, hopefully I"ll be better than Babe Ruth in my next life.

女主人艾利亚说,“我妈妈开玩笑说,她宁愿投胎转世到皮埃尔身上,没有人比皮埃尔过着更舒适的生活了。”My mother jokes that she wants to come back reincarnated as Pierre. There's no better life.

两星期之前,亚伯·莫斯科维茨因心脏病突发而挂掉了,转而投胎变成了一只龙虾。Two weeks ago, Abe Moscowitz dropped dead of a heart attack and was reincarnated as a lobster.

如果你是一个米南卡保女人,还怀上了,大家都想投胎生个女孩儿。If you are a Minangkabau woman and pregnant, people really hope for a girl for the first child.

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每逢坐车,我感觉几乎去了一次鬼门关,倒着脚重新投胎回来凡间。Every car, I feel almost went to a gate of hell, be born again to come back mortal feet backwards.

在阎罗王的领导下﹐这批鬼官吏们负责办理一切鬼魂投胎转世的事务。The ghost officials are in charge of the rebirth of the ghosts under the overall leadership of Yama.

就是死后,他的神识在投胎之前也不会乱跑,或以奇异的姿态去干扰别人的生活。Even after death, his soul stays still to wait for reincarnation, not disturbing other's life by eerie forms.