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他有两个姑姑。He has two aunts.

我的姑姑是一个兽医。My aunt is a vet.

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我爱我的姑姑姨姨!I like my cousins.

我在听,我的姑姑。I am listening, aunt.

但是金牙姑姑很坚定。But Gold Teeth stood firm.

姑姑爱家乡,我更爱家乡。My aunt loves our hometown.

她住在我姑姑家。She's staying at my aunt's.

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我姑姑用钱太小气了。My aunt is too tight- fisted.

他昨天去我姑姑家了。I went to my aunt's yesterday.

不,我的姑姑,我打定主意要来看看您。No, aunt. I wanted to see you.

她去了我姑姑和我!She went to my aunt's and wou!

我的姑姑杰妮弗是一个女演员。My aunt Jennifer is an actress.

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你现在是暂住在你姑姑家吗?Are you stopping with your aunt?

宾,我是你姑姑摩妮卡,没错。I'm your Aunt Monica. Yes, I am.

顺便说一下,我叫汤姆。古德。我的姑姑。My name's Tom Goode, by the way.

他可能已去了他姑姑家了吗?Could he have gone to his aunt's?

我姑姑因貌美而驰名。My aunt is famous for her beauty.

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我的姑姑说她曾经看到过鬼。My aunt said she once saw a ghost.

我是你最好的姑姑,你躲在这吧。I am your best aunt. You hide here.

今天我的姑姑带我去韩非乐园。Today my aunt took me to Happy Land.