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李媒婆给他们的答案是毫无疑问的肯定。Absolutely, Matchmaker Li told them.

媒婆没问题,我会有办法的。Matchmaker No problem. I have an idea.

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媒婆你们知道今天是什么日子吗?Matchmaker What holiday is it? Do you know?

为什么木兰去见媒婆时感到紧张?。Why was Mulan nervous when she was going to meet the matchmaker?

的确,像李媒婆所敦促的,这是一桩有利于两家的好姻缘。Yes, Matchmaker Li urged, this was a marriage sure to benefit both families.

即使是最能干的媒婆,要把你推销出去也相当困难。You’d be a terrifically hard sell even for the most accomplished matchmaker.

这些都没有问题了,不过李媒婆向付家提供的还要更多。No problem there. But there was still more Matchmaker Li needed to offer the Fus.

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李媒婆给自己设定的任务是让王家和付家也这么想。The task Li now set herself was to get the Wang and Fu families to see eye to eye.

也就是在这一点上,李媒婆有些对林波的父母来说很有利的消息。And this is where Matchmaker Li had some especially auspicious news for Lingbo’s parents.

他也不多客套,回去就赶紧让媒婆打听了。He was also not much ceremonious, returned apt ugg then hurriedly let the matchmaker base out.

像早期的李媒婆一样,真命天子相约网承诺为其客户进行初步的甄选。Like Matchmaker Li earlier, the Right Stuff promises to do some initial screening for its customers.

因为这些约会网站提供的服务与李媒婆提供的看起来很是相同。For the services these dating dot.coms offer look much like some of those offered by our Matchmaker Li.

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媒婆来到王葡萄家里给魏坡的张木匠说媒,王葡萄任她在外面胡说。Matchmaker came to the king grape home to Wei Po carpenter match-making, king grape outside her nonsense.

一个媒婆,要在其行业中出类拔萃,就要有耳听六路的本事,而李好人在这方面就很成功。A matchmaker, to be successful in her trade, had to have her ear to the ground. And Li Haoren was very successful.

奥莉称曾经帮助玛赫里克起诉另一个媒婆得获胜,之后她就成为了自己的客户。Orly claimed Majerik became her client after she helped the widow prevail in a lawsuit against another matchmaker.

第一眼看这幅图时,我们看到的是一个媒婆正在努力让一对男女互相产生好感。A first glance at this cartoon tells us that a matchmaker is attempting to create a crush between a man and a woman.

这幅图进一步指出了这个媒婆象征了虚假广告,而女人象征了伪劣产品。The picture further points out that the matchmaker symbolizes false advertisements and the woman low-quality products.

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聚香都有末,这你才是保赢的,经纪人与媒婆,自古以来都是美差。Poly incense has end, which you are guaranteed to win, brokers and matchmaker, since ancient times are on the gravy train.

林波刚过16岁,因此李媒婆觉得他的父母可能着急要给他找媳妇了。Lingbo had just turned sixteen and Matchmaker Li imagined that his parents were becoming somewhat anxious about finding him a wife.

现代的网络服务与李媒婆相同的是高效率的为两个陌生人之间进行介绍。As with Matchmaker Li, then, the contemporary services efficiently engineer an introduction between two unacquainted individuals.