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这绝非危言耸听。It is not alarmism.

这种危言耸听的话人们很熟悉了。The alarmism is familiar.

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太危言耸听了,“她告诉我。Too alarmist, " she tells me.

她总是爱危言耸听。She always likes scaremongering.

但即使那些危言耸听者都没有看到事情的全部。But the alarmists have not seen anything yet.

起初,有一些危言耸听的人预言战争会重新再起。At first the alarmists prophesied a renewal of the war.

金融重商主义的危害也许有点危言耸听。The threat of financial mercantilism can be overstated.

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从盲目乐观的拒绝到几天之内的危言耸听的排名。FROM blithe denial to rank alarmism in a matter of days.

媒体息管了危言耸听和简化叙事。The media will always sensationalize and simplify a story.

专登危言耸听内容的报纸竭力渲染她的苦境来卖钱。Sensation-seeking newspapers tried to cash in on her misery.

几年十危言耸听的人口统计论并没有任何帮助,特别是孤儿们发现自已深处争论不休之中。Several decades of demographic scaremongering had not helped.

结案了——左翼的全球变暖危言耸听者是一群傻子!Case closed -- Lefty global warming alarmists are nincompoops!

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军事分析家们感到恐慌,他们将中国视为美国在西太平洋上海洋霸权地位的一个日益强大的威胁,而中国安全专家则倾向于嘲笑这些危言耸听。China security specialists tend to scoff at all the scaremongering.

要认真对待计算机时代的这种卡桑德拉式预言,我也很不容易,因为此类预言往往罔顾事实,危言耸听。I have a hard time taking these Cassandras of the Computer Age seriously.

那个议员三番两次危言耸听,现在谁都不相信他了。That councillor has cried wolf so many times that nobody now believes him.

但他发出的危言耸听的警告与原材料厂商的行动完全相左.But his dire warnings are at odds with the actions of raw material producers.

让我们期待这之前,危言耸听巨大断章取义停止。Lets hope this scaremongering ceases before being hugely taken out of context.

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加来,但是,认为莱奥甘的外观“是没有理由是危言耸听。”Calais, however, thinks the Léogâne's appearance "is no reason to be alarmist."

若瑟卡危言耸听的告诉希瓦如果不能和他结婚,珍佳然宁愿去死。Joseph alarmist told shiva if you cant marry him, Jane but would rather go to dead.

难道美国航空又在危言耸听——抑或颠覆传统商业模式的时机已经常熟?Is American bluffing again — or is the time ripe for overturning the business model?