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谢谢你允许我们前来致哀。Thank you for letting us come by.

香港下半旗向在菲律宾受害者致哀。HK to lower flag at half-mast to mourn victims.

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他们向革命烈士致哀。They paid their respects to the revolutionary martyrs.

当天,挪威全国下半旗为76名遇难者致哀。The same day, Norway to half-mast for the 76 victims mast.

在为他举行丧礼时,约10万人在教堂外肃立致哀。Some 100,000 Americans stood outside the church at the time of his funeral.

无数火炬燃起,无数脸孔和致哀者汇集的沉默海洋。With the countless torches lit, with the silent sea of faces and the unbarred heads.

全中国的火车汽车汽轮停驶鸣笛致哀。While all the automobiles, trains, and ships in China were sounding their air sirens.

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入境处今日亦会下半旗致哀。The department is also expected to lower its flag at Immigration Tower to half-mast today.

不久前,在密特朗的新坟边,他的情妇与寡妇并肩致哀。At Francois Mitterrand's graveside not along ago, the mistress mourned alongside the widow.

在林肯总统被害的纪念日美国国内下半旗致哀。On the anniversary of president Lincoln's assassination, flags are hung at half mast in the United States.

这是一次损失惨重的事故。向那些遇难者家庭致哀,希望他们在悲痛中能够尽快恢复。This is a disastrous incident. My condelence to the berief families and speedly recorvery to those in pain.

向他的家人致哀。唯一的安慰是,他长眠于自己所热爱的事业。逝者安息。My condolences to his family. The only comfort being that he died doing something he was passionate about. RIP.

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金紫荆广场的中国国旗和香港区旗,以下半旗方式向四川大地震死难者致哀。Flags of PRC and HKSAR in Golden Bauhinia Square flying at half-staff for mourning victims killed in the Sichuan Earthquake.

肯塔基州州长埃米。弗莱彻已经下令所有州政府办公楼下半旗向费雷德里克致哀。Kentucky Gov. Ernie Fletcher has ordered flags at all state office buildings to be lowered to half-staff in memory of Frederick.

葛锐歌手和赛车手以及球星都是英年早逝,祖国都停下工作为他们致哀。And when the reggae singer, the racing driver and the footballer died before their time, their homelands came to a halt in salute.

在为期三天的全国哀悼日期间,全国各地降半旗致哀,停止各类公共娱乐活动。Flags were flyingat half-mast across the country all public entertainment has been suspended as the three-day mourning period started.

葬礼会持续7天,韩国各地将设置祭奠所,出殡日将降半旗致哀。During the 7-day mourning period, memorial ceremonies will be held across the country with flags flying at half-mast on the funeral day.

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今天,菲律宾国内所有公立部门以及海外使领馆都要降半旗向遇难的香港游客致哀。All government agencies, including the country's embassies and consulates abroad, were ordered to lower the Philippine flag to half-mast.

在为期三天的全国哀悼日时期,全国各地降半旗致哀,停止各类公共文娱活动。Flags were flying at half-mast across the country and all public entertainment has been suspended as the three-day mourning period started.

在为期三天的全国哀悼日期间,全国各地降半旗致哀,停止各类公共娱乐活动。Flags were flying at half-mast across the country and all public entertainment has been suspended as the three-day mourning period started.