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他的文笔因研究了伟大作家的作品而变得洗练。His style was chastened by study of great writers.

影片洗练地刻画了人物的性格。This movie tersely portrays the characters' personalities.

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这位作者简洁的文字做到既洗练又有邪恶的暗示。The author's laconic prose manages to be both dexterous and sinister.

又可即兴编舞,舞蹈动作洗练、规范。Some dance movements were composed impromptu, which were simple and standard.

有许多的巴西音乐让人著迷,同时又牵动人心且洗练纤巧。A lot of Brazilian music is enchanting , eloquent and sophisticated at the same time.

每一条棱线,每一个弧度都勾勒出完美主义者的洗练精髓。Each a curve, each a radian delineates the perfectionist washes to practice the essence.

他的作品文笔俏皮,精深洗练,具有很高的艺术价值。His witty , profound , terse writing style makes his literary works are with high artistic value.

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锦时,对于安来说,锦时究竟是过往的冷静孤寂还是如今的洗练淡泊呢?Jin, when, for an example, Kam Is it cool when the lonely, or being indifferent to today's Xilian do?

天然宝石般清新透明,塑造洗练优雅气质,这是耳坠还是耳机?Natural jewel-like fresh and transparent, and shape Xilian elegant temperament, which is earrings or a headset?

著名的发明家和实业家乔治·伊斯曼仔细排列好铅笔、白纸和左轮手枪,留下了同样洗练的遗言。The famous inventor and industrialist George Eastman laid out pencil, paper, and revolver, and was equally terse.

石坊后有一座巨石屏风,壁面透雕福、禄、寿三星,构图精巧,雕法洗练。There is a stone wall after Shihfang, wall engraved Fu, Lu, Shou Samsung, delicate composition, carving method succinct.

毛冬华的帘笼系列作品,是她于极简构图作品中较为洗练、纯粹的一种。The artworks of curtains and cages presented by Mao Donghua are the purely one in his paintings of foolproof composition.

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使与被洗练被整理了的现在不同明星们纯粹粗暴的过去的身姿收看者们暂且对回忆也浸。A past appearance that stars differ and are pure and are rough is soaked and viewers are soaked for a while of it in memories, too.

水晶般的玻璃瓶与俏丽粉红色相辉映,洗练的外形内涵着野性的花香,陪伴您度过每一个火辣的日子。Crystal glass bottle and bright pink color, concise appearance connotes wild flower fragrance, accompany with you on every passional day.

这座多隔间的白色神奇建筑设计洗练,来客与书籍为这个毫无颜色的环境添彩。This cavernous white wonder is unobtrusive in design, where the books and visitors provide the color to an otherwise neutral environment.

平贺的画作道出他洗练的艺术表现手法和游走于他身上日本血统及法国文化洗礼的一种渐进式的风格融合。Hiraga's canvases are thus narratives that speak of his artistic expression, and a gradual stylistic balance between his Japanese heritage and French inspirations.

经典法式风格家具,设计洗练且线条美丽,并无想像中古典家具给人的厚重感觉。Furniture of classical method style, the design washs practice and line is beautiful, do not have the massiness that in envisaging , classic furniture gives a person to feel.

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如果留心细节,此处的陈设不亚于一个画廊,壁上疏密有致地布置着风格洗练的当代艺术品。If pays attention the detail, here arrangement is not inferior to a decorated corridor, on the wall the density has sends is arranging the style succinct present age artware.

既追求空间的洗练和视觉上的简洁,更要求有极强的功能性和精致的制作工艺。Seek a space already those who wash practice and vision to go up is concise, more the requirement has the gender mixes extremely strong function to make technology delicately.

雪佛兰新赛欧的全新外形更加现代洗练、富有年轻化动感主张,完美结合视觉美感与实用机能。The appearance of the new Chevrolet Sail is even more contemporary and streamlined, dynamic and full of youth and is the ideal mix of visual beauty and practical functionality.