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我们两人把它平分吧。Divvy it up between us.

我们把钱平分了吧。Divvy up the money between us.

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但美国希望费用平分。But the US wanted a 50-50 split.

这个你们可以两人平分。You can divide this between you.

可惜了,我们本来可以平分的。Pity, we could have split the fee.

一江离恨恰平分。Jiang from hate exactly one bisector.

我们俩平分这项奖金吧。Let's split the prize money fifty-fifty.

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他们把那批财宝平分了。They divided up the treasure fifty-fifty.

两个氢原子将平分能量。Both hydrogens are going to share equally.

且以水平分带尤为明显。The horizontal zoning is distinctively obvious.

我想我们可以平分征服这片土地后的战利品。I think we can both share the spoils of this land.

现在,把生意结束一下,要平分,你看见我的钥匙了,让我看看你的钱!Let's go shares. You have seen my key, show me your money.

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两位彩票奖得主决定平分奖金。The two lottery winners decided to split the money fifty-fifty.

红旗街长影对过,45平分校订个。Red flag market grows shadow opposite, 45 in cent is proofreaded.

两家母公司平分合资公司的销售收入和利润。The parent companies split the sales and profits from the venture.

婚后一起供的钱,婚后平分。The fund that offers together after marriage, marriage hind deuces.

在收队后,他们就平分所得的东西。Behind collecting team, they divide the gains thing equally right away.

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至于印花税和律师费将由买卖双方平分。The stamp duty and the legal costs will be shared equally between both of you.

一张表示乌托邦式平等,所有五等分的阶层都平分财富。One depicted utopian equality, with wealth distributed equally among five groups.

弦的垂直平分线经过圆心,并且平分弦所对的两条弧。A perpendicular bisector of a chord passes through the centre and bisects the arc.