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射流晕是一种地球化学次生晕。Jet halo is a kind of geochemical secondary halo.

造山带地球化学编图的理论探讨。Disscusion of orogenic geochemical mapping in theory.

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岩体具有埃达克岩的地球化学特征。Rock with the geochemical characteristics of adakites.

这实际是一套外生铀矿床的“地球化学盆”模式。And it is the geochemical basin model of the exogenic U deposit.

地球化学方法应同其它方法有机地结合起来。Geochemical methods may be linked judiciously with other techniques.

其一是对封闭系统的生物地球化学循环的理解。One is the understanding of biogeochemical cycles of closed systems.

此外,它在生物地球化学循环方面也具有同样的重要作用。In addition, its role in biogeochemical cycling is equally significant.

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地球化学工作者们可以分析矿物样品,确定其成分。Geochemists can analyze the mineral samples to determine their elements.

选择性的化学淋溶实验,广泛用于沉积物的地球化学研究中。Chemical leaching is widely applied to geochemical research of sediments.

团结沟金矿床地球化学模型的建立是一个初步尝试。The foundation of Tuanjiegou gold deposit geochemical model is an attempt.

微生物在重金属元素的生物地球化学循环中扮演着重要的角色。The microbe plays a key role in the bio-geochemical cycle of heavy metals.

利用黄铁矿进行找金是一种新的地球化学找矿方法。It's a new-geochemical method, which gold deposits are surveyed with pyrites.

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地球化学家尝试了解改变地球的化学过程。The geochemist attempts to understand the chemical processes that modify the earth.

石油工业中的地球化学家主要研究油源岩的地球化学。For geochemists in the petroleum industry, source rock geochemistry is a major focus.

总结了四种不同成因的白云岩的岩石特征及地球化学特征。Petrologic and geochemical features of these four kinds of dolostone are generalized.

本文把油气藏上方划分为五个地球化学带。The layer over oil-gas deposits is divided into five geochemical zones in this paper.

铁元素的物相特征是其所处地球化学环境变化的敏感标志。The phases of ferrum are sensitive indicators of the geochemical environment changes.

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我国已有的系列铂族元素地球化学标样中缺乏高品位的铂矿地球化学标准物质。There is lack of high grade platinum-group element geochemical guide sample in China.

地球化学省及其边界与地质构造单元密切相关。The geochemical province and its boundary are closely related to the geotectonic unit.

地球化学急变带与地球物理场变化存在密切关系。There exists a tight relationship between the geochemical and geophysical steep zones.