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公德与私德均在衰落之中。Private and public virtues were at the lowest ebb.

这第三种国民公德涵盖一切私德与公德的所有的方方面面。The last kind covers all aspects of private and public morality.

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男人可以无公德无私德但一定不能无口德——也不能让他乱说。For a man, an essential component of ethics is ability to keep quiet.

百姓道德不但包括社会公德,也包括个人私德。Common people moral includes not only social moral, but also private moral.

私德与公德是两个既相区分又相联系的概念。Personal virtues and public virtues are two concepts, which are both different from and related with each other.

社会公德有别于个人私德,它是社会公共生活领域的产物。As far as public morality is concerned, it has the characteristics of being national and internationally similar.

公德与私德的区分源于公域与私域的分离。The difference between public morality and private virtue lies in the separation of public sphere and private sphere.

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梁氏以对“新学青年”私德之批判,将新民学说的矛头对准其论敌革命党人。Thus Liang changed his theory due to his purpose to criticize the "youth of new learning, " who are mainly young revolutionaries.

进行道德建设应以私德修养为起点,并把私德提高到公德层次。To cultivate the virtues, we should start from the cultivation of personal virtues and promote it to the level of public virtues.

我国传统德育是一种“束身寡过”的私德教育,已无法满足转型期及未来中国社会发展的需要。" and "how to promote the implement of education of public morality in the classroom" are the central themes of this dissertation.

辩证考察私德公德之间的内在联系,不能否认和抹杀二者在交往对象、适用范围和道德准则等方面的本质区别。So it is argued that the distinction should not neglect or defy the inner natures concerning objects, adaptability, and moral norms.

在进行道德建设时,则用中国传统道德的“私德”去补充资产阶级的“公德”。In moral construction, Liang Qiaochao supplemented the bourgeois public morals with the private morals of Chinese traditional morals.

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“公德”和“私德”及其相互关系是梁启超道德哲学的主要内容。The main content of Liang Qiaochao's moral philosophy is about public morals and private morals and the relationship between each other.

同时,他的政治观念的变化,日本思想界对他的影响,等等,也是他主张阐扬王学以养育“私德”的原因。In addition, his promotion of thoughts of Wang Yangming was also due to the change of his political belief, and the influence of Japanese intellectuals.

因此,对待他者的态度差异,成为二者的本质性差别,并使民族主义往往被想象为“公德”,而爱国主义仍保持其“私德”地位。The basic difference between the two is the attitude toward "others", and which makes Nationalism recognized as a "public virtue", while Patriotism being accepted as a "private virtue".

历史和现实充分表明,无论公德还是私德都是社会利益关系的反映,尤其是特定交往关系的产物,各有自身的特点和变化轨迹。It is observed in history and reality that both public and private moralities reflect the social benefits, in particular, the specific products in exchange, each with its distinctive feature.

梁启超在1904年后的新民学说中,主张阐扬王学以养育“私德”,放弃了以前输入欧美文明以铸造国民“公德”的思想。After 1904 Liang propagated the idea of expounding Wang Yangming's thoughts to foster "private virtues", instead of his original idea of creating "public virtues" by importing western culture.

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市民环境保护意识水平还与市民在公德与私德、律人与律己、观念与行动等方面的取舍有关。This paper, based on the questionnaire of the residents in Nanjing, China, finds that the old and those with low level of education are poor in their consciousness of environmental protection.

同时,梁启超认为,由于中国人的“私德”大大退化与堕落,努力提升国民“私德”任务又迫在眉睫。At the same time, Liang Qichao pointed out that Chinese "private morality" had greatly retrograded and degenerated in modern China, so the task to promote people"s "private morality" was very urgent.