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我是理式学院毕业生。I am a college graduate.

所以现在的毕业生都想当水管工。Graduates now want to be plumbers.

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我们还需要科学领域的博士毕业生。We also need Ph.D.s in the sciences.

布朗一家人都是大学毕业生。The Browns are all college graduates.

你是一个音乐学院的毕业生?Are you a graduate of a Conservatoire?

这个小伙子是法学院的毕业生。This lad is a college of law graduate.

毕业生比未毕业的赚的更多。Graduates earn more than non-graduates.

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他是一个师范学院的毕业生。He was graduated from a normal college.

我是北京理工大学的毕业生。I'm a graduate of beijing Polytechnics.

托马斯和吉纳是毕业生。Thomas and Ginna are graduate students.

普林斯顿大学工程学毕业生,我是王戈。Engineering After Princeton I'm Ge Wang.

每个毕业生都举止庄重。Each graduate behaved with gravity at it.

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我是上海理工大学毕业生。I am a graduate of Shanghai Polytechnics.

如果我是个毕业生,我会设法获得那个职位。I'd go for that job if I were a graduate.

很多毕业生都在金融领域工作Many of them are in the field of finance.

本科毕业生也不在是紧缺资源。College graduates are not in short supply.

我是理式学院毕业生。I am a graduate of Hong Kong Polytechnics.

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三名是耶鲁大学法学院毕业生。Three will be graduates of Yale Law School.

我们需要的不仅仅是大学毕业生。What we need is not just college graduates.

我们的质检员是位大学毕业生。Our quality inspector is a college graduate.