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凡为主工作的人,都总免不了遭人反对。This is often true in the Lord's work.

只图吃好穿好,学坏常常免不了。Those who eat best and drink best often do worst.

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爱情从来免不了多愁善感。Mawkish sentimentality, affection, or amorousness.

您呢,退伍军人先生,您总免不了要常常挂点彩吧。And you, Mr. Veteran, you must have been often wounded?

他从那人面前走过,总免不了要给他几个苏。He never passed this man without giving him a few sous.

我对每个人都不马虎,因为剧痛虽厉害,可是免不了。I am firm with each, the pangs are sharp yet unavoidable.

我认为那个违章超速驾驶者免不了要受罚。I don't think that speeder will be able to beat this rap.

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赶巧了,谁家菜地挨着河,免不了进去“扫荡”一番的。Fan, who plot next to the river, unavoidable in "mopping up" a.

乡思乡情也免不了给人们带来多方面的消极作用。Feeling of longing for motherland brings more negative effects.

他还说,一个信徒,就算再坚定,也免不了会被魔鬼附身。But no one is too strong a believer to be possessed, Amorth said.

若我们轻忽属灵的操练,就免不了属灵的乾旱。Dry seasons are inevitable if we neglect the spiritual exercises.

但是如果乐观主义者们错了,中国免不了要走一段颠簸之路。But if the optimists are wrong, China could be in for a bumpy ride.

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初相识,免不了的是矜持和小心翼翼。Chu Xiangshi inevitably be reflected in the restrained and careful.

每次获邀在典礼上致词,总免不了有一些招摇撞骗的感觉。Each time I give a commencement speech I feel like a bit of a fraud.

如果你承接这项工程的话,免不了会遇到许多困难。If you undertake the project, you are bound to encounter difficulties.

任何一场公投总归免不了闹剧,然而这一场比其他的更不像话。All referendum campaigns are muddles , but this one is odder than most.

我到海滩上总免不了要盯着看健美男士的胸肌。I went to the beach, and I couldn't stop staring at the hot guys' pecs.

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看来不管多大牌的明星,都免不了走光啊。No matter how high the stars are playing, they all exposed unavoidably.

厮杀结果,打败的一方免不了会弃盔丢甲,飞奔逃命。The party defeated the helmet of rejected will inevitably, flying for lost.

但就像我说的,这种事在赛季中免不了,你不能每场都赢。But as I said things happen during the season, you can't win every game you play.