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此事影响国运及世局及大。This influenced the country and world greatly.

他作了一系列有关世局的演讲。He delivered a course of lectures on world affairs.

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他作了一系列有关世局的演讲。An endowment or a foundation supporting a series or course of lectures.

我们现在站在世局的交接点,是要地区边界的和平,还是程度更大的混乱状态?We are at the cusp of either a broader peace in the region or an ever-widening chaos.

在今日纷争的世局及惊涛骇浪中,我们极需要有一颗纯朴的心及缔造和平的人。In this world of constant strives we sorely need people with a pure heart who are peace-makers.

每当我对世局倍感忧心时,就会想到希思罗机场的入境大厅。Whenever I get gloomy in the statue of the world, I think about the arrival gate at Heathrow Airport.

本文分析整理战后以来政治学发展之主轴及其相对应的世局。The development of post-war politics in correspondence to the world political situation is analyzed in this article.

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正在简单险峻的世局中,他总能精确嗅出决议本人遭遇的要害人士,并让对于方情绪愿意地变化本人的掩护人。Is simple in the world of the steep, he can always accurate to sniff out the key people in my resolution, and let for party mood to change my screen.

本课程旨在扩展学生之国际观,引导学生重思人生之意义与价值,并进而关怀地球、关心世局。This course aims to broaden students' world view, lead them in reflecting the meaning and value in life and being concerned about our planet and the world.

布什总统提出军备控制建议,不仅为适应新的世局而调整美国的核武器库,而是一套与过去的协议无关的崭新建议。President Bush did more than bring the U. S. nuclear arsenal in line with new world realities when he unveiled his arms control proposals. He threw out the books on arms control.