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她对天文学一知半解。She dabbles in astronomy.

我对计算机只是一知半解。I smattered to the computer.

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半瓶醋是危险的。/一知半解是危险的。A little learning is a dangerous thing.

对许多事情一知半解还不如什么也不知道。Better know nothing than half-know many things !

我对于国际事务只是一知半解。I have only a scanty knowledge of world affairs.

问卖主,其实,他们也是一知半解的。Asked the seller, in fact, they are ill-understood.

那把小提琴落到了一个对音乐一知半解的有钱人手里。The violin passed into the arms of a wealthy dilettante.

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语言不能太复杂,否则程序员总是会一知半解。A language must not be too complex, lest the programmer forget half of it.

学习技艺哪能骄傲自满,一知半解呢!To learn a skill, how can one be conceited and learn only half-baked knowledge?

从来没有遇到过逆境的人,只能对他人和自己一知半解。He that has never known adversity, is but half acquainted with others or himself.

这是一篇无知的文章,在某些技术问题上一知半解。This was an uninformed article and sophomoric in its treatment of the specific technologies.

要认真阅读,不满足于表面的一知半解。I learned to read carefully, and not to be satisfied with a superficial undersanding of a book.

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他错误的涉足非洲,然后是一知半解的甚至是毫无意识的卷入中东。He blunders into Africa, then the Middle East with limited knowledge and almost no self-awareness.

打开天窗说亮话,核子议题的相关辩论很少真正地资讯透明,无论是街头巷尾、大众媒体、政府内阁,其实都只获得一知半解的片面资讯。Nuclear debates are seldom well-informed, whether on the streets, in the media or in cabinet rooms.

首先是那些和狗相关的令人一知半解的景象和声音的结合物。There is, first of all, the mix of half comprehended sights and sounds concatenated around the dog.

即使我们经常使用互联网,我们大多数人对这一技术仍然是一知半解。Even if we use the internet very frequently, most of us haven't theslightest inkling about the technicalities.

古人的精华所在,我一知半解的理解就是要平静地面对,也许是我不求甚解。The essence of the ancients, I understand little knowledge is to calm face, maybe I superficial understanding.

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我瞧不起“网络文化”,网络文化乏味无聊、自以为是、一知半解而没有上下文语境衔接。I despise "internet culture". It's so pointless, so self-fulfilling, so completely insular and without context.

但两人的表现却恰恰显示,历练丰富也可能会犯愚蠢的错误,而且对关键议题亦可能只是一知半解.Both have just demonstrated that experience is no guarantee against acts of foolishness or foggy knowledge of key issues.

在学习的过程中,有些学生只是一知半解,不求甚解,这是非常有害的。In the learning process, it is very harmful for some students to see the backs and not try to understand them thoroughly.