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一首词曲,唱了一遍又一遍。A song, sing it again and again.

甘肃陇南和陇东的劳动号子,词曲佳妙,风格独特。Southern Gansu, and eastern Gansu labor chant and songs Jia Miao, unique style.

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许多诗人、作家、歌手、词曲家、演员都以不同的方式演译着亲情。Many poets, authors, singers, musicians and actors all express the love of parents by.

饮酒间,又有十二个舞女上来,请问演何词曲。AS Baoyu sipped it, twelve dancing girls stepped forward to ASk what they should perform.

本章从音乐和文学两个方面来探讨词曲之间的转变。This chapter from two aspects of music and literature explore the transformation between Ci and Qu.

从诗歌到词曲、杂剧和小说,从先秦到当代,“玉人”一语几乎占尽了中国文学的各种文体。The term"jade person"has existed in poems, song lyrics, dramas and novels since the pre-Qin dynasty.

作为一名词曲创作者兼演唱,曲风丰富,从民谣到流行到慢摇,十分吸引耳朵。He writes everything from rock, to pop, to folk. He writes amazing songs that appeal to both the ears and the soul.

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许嵩的音乐,定义自我,无所压制,风格始终,词曲自创,意境优美,曲调柔和。Xu Song, music, the definition of self, nothing to suppress, style, always, own songs, mood and beautiful, gentle melody.

在这张新专辑创作过程的中,能够和众多出色的词曲制作人一起合作,我真的觉得我的音乐有了很大的提升。I'm in the midst of the recording process, working with incredible songwriters and producers, and my music has really evolved.

这些俗曲,不仅是市井文化的一道亮丽风景,也和文人词曲的创作不无关系。The songs were dedicated to the creation of the composer's work, consisting of main part of the Song-Yuan culture of that day.

歌唱表演作为一种转瞬即逝的时间艺术,其灵魂在于对词曲文本的二度创作。As a kind of time art which easily passes away, the spirit of singing with actions is on the recreation work of poetry and version.

在这个问题上,曾景祥先生的认识是深刻的,在诗文词曲上作过认真的学习与研究,且具有相当的功力。In this issue, Ceng Jingxiang's knowledge is profound, in poetic lyrics had made a serious study and research, and has considerable skill.

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他拥有一种非凡的才华——是个即兴的作曲家,撰写词曲,他自己也不因作者使自己而骄傲。He had an extraordinary gift as a lightning composer of lyrics and songs of no mean merit, but in which he himself had no pride of authorship.

要写好歌曲主题,不仅应把握歌词的主题、体裁、风格及其节奏、声韵,熟谙歌词所表达的情感、所塑造的形象以及所创造的意境,还应把握词曲关系。In composition of the theme of song, the theme, literary genre, style and rhythm of lyrics should be grasped correctly as well as the emotion and mood.

民国初年,吴梅在北京大学讲授词曲,标志着戏曲研究作为一门学科得到社会的承认和学术制度的保证。Wu Mei's teaching drama at Peking University is a landmark event in the history of 20th century Chinese opera studies and modern Chinese academic and cultural history.

论文从各种文献信息、研究资料和创作的词曲入手,对吴藻的生卒、事迹及作品版本概况加以考述。This paper gives an examination survey of Wu Zao's birth and death, deeds and the version of her works from various literatures, research materials and her creative lyrics.

埃雷兹艾森曼是一个歌手及词曲创作者,这次他将与他的乐队带来北京的首场演出。Erez Eisenman is a singer-songwriter who plays the guitar and harp. He performs with Charles Bronson, a famous drummer from Indonesia and Wang Yu Hong a professional Chinese bass player.

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丽江洞经音乐传承方式有谱传,纳西族用中国传统乐谱“工尺谱”记录唐宋元词曲音乐及道教科仪音乐。" Lijiang hole by means of music transmission spectrum has Chuan, the traditional Naxi music in China, "Public-foot spectrum, " Tang and Song Record lyrics million music and music Taoist rites.

我是在老大于2006年和优客李林时代的另一位词曲人兼老友詹兆源的合作专辑而决定再听他一次。我发现老大没走多远,他回来了。I started to listen to Terry again only after he made a album in 2006 with his old pal, Zhang Zhao Yan from Ukulele days, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that he hasn't changed, he came back.