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但凡有耳的就该当听!Whoever has ears to hear should listen!

然而但凡兵锋所指之处皆是一片生灵涂炭But when they got there, there was hell to pay.

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但那句“但凡有耳的就该当听But that "whoever has ears to hear should listen!"

另外,但凡他发现蚯蚓时,都会高兴得手舞足蹈,开心得不得了。He also got excited when he unearthed an earthworm.

但凡想从这里通过哒人必需出示证件。Anyone who wants to pass here must show his ID card.

在屯子,剪纸但凡是由夫女、女士们来做。In rural areas, paper cutting is usually by women, girls do.

但凡有一个韩国记者站起身来,无法下台的就是芮成钢自己。As just one Korean reporter standed up, Rui would be shame himself.

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他但凡提出疑问,得到的回答全是华尔街的官样文章。When he asked questions, the answers came back in Wall Street gobbledygook.

他的父母也鼓励他多读书,但凡盖茨想读的书,他们都会买给他。His parents encouraged his appetite for reading by paying for any book he wanted.

但凡她的名字或照片出现在网上,都会招来铺天盖地的谩骂。Whenever her name or image appears online, it provokes an outpouring of invectives.

但凡能说透的东西,基本也就是释怀了,要知道,心结,是说不清楚的,甚至说不出口。What can be said, basic is missing, you know, knot, said is not clear, even couldn't say.

但凡有点姿色,有几分笑容,对海军能说几句恭维话,那我就算是被俘虏了。A little beauty, and a few smiles, and a few compliments to the navy, and I am a lost man.

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但凡告诉你很多真理的人,或者没事学很多真理的人,一般都闲得蛋疼。That tells you a lot of truth, or nothing to learn a lot of truth, generally bored boring.

但凡可能,便通过建议来巩固和加强现有机制与能力。Wherever possible, recommendations build on and strengthen existing mechanisms and capacities.

但凡夫的真心被妄念所覆,不得显现。Nevertheless, Chinsim of common people was covered with improper thought and could not be emerged.

但凡看过2009年扣篮大赛的人,都会对罗宾逊的身体素质留下深刻印象。I believe whoever has watched the 2009 Dunk Contest will be deeply impressed by Robinson’s physique.

但凡特先生提醒道,该项目的产品很可能需要10年时间才能推向市场。But Dr Venter warns that it will probably be 10 years before products from the project reach the market.

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但是但凡逝者均应当受到尊敬,无论他们死于怎样的或令人毛骨悚然或罪恶的原因。But the dead deserve to be treated with respect, however flawed or horrible the cause in which they died.

说起改革只知道跟国家要钱,但凡这样的管理者都是懒汉。Those officials who only know how to ask for money from the State when talking about reform are sluggards.

把抽到的牌和本人本来的牌组合,但凡组成一对的牌,就能够丢入牌堆里。The draw CARDS and their original CARDS combination, every component pair of card, can throw into the brand pile.