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我是在课堂上认识辛迪的,还真是情投意合。Cindy and I met in class and really hit it off.

老师,我很困惑,我想知道如何才能找到和我情投意合的伴侣。Teacher, I'm confused, how do we find our soul.

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老师,我很困惑,我想知道如何才能找到和我情投意合的伴侣。"Teacher, I"m confused, how do we find our soul mate?

我们俩人都喜欢足球。他是情投意合的好朋友。We both like football. He is a man after my own heart.

昨天的晚会上,安妮和马克情投意合。Anne and Mark really hit it off at the party last night.

有没有可能同她重新过以往那种情投意合的生活呢?。Would it be possible to start the old life over with her?

在女人情投意合的地方,男人只能把彼此的怨恨一笔勾销。Where women love each other, men learn to smother their mutual dislike.

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迈克在七年级时来到了我的学校,我们马上变得情投意合。Mike came to my school in the seventh grade, and we immediately clicked.

请你不要轻易错过与你情投意合的人。Do not lose the chance when you know who is suited to you temperamentally.

老师,我很困惑,我想知道如何才能找到和我情投意合的伴侣。你能帮帮我吗?Teacher, I'm confused, how do we find our soul mate? Can you please help me?

因此,请你不要轻易错过与你情投意合的人。So do not lose the chance when you know who is suited to you temperamentally.

但共同基金数据及其他线索显示,这种短暂的情投意合早已结束。But mutual-fund data and other clues suggest that that brief infatuation has ended.

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找到合适的对象并不容易,又要情投意合,又要有相同的价值观。It's not easy to find a suitable partner, with whom a person can share affection and values.

年夜学也是一个熟悉有趣的、有志向的、与你情投意合的人的好时机。College is also a great chance to meet interesting and motivated people who share your interests.

布拉泥正想说他与四妹情投意合,刘母却气冲冲地闯了进来。Blah mud is want to say that he and four younger sister after, but liu mother angrily breaking in.

你没法博得希刺克厉夫的爱慕——你不能把他当作情投意合的人!It is impossible that you can covet the admiration of Heathcliff--that you consider him an agreeable person!

后用此典比喻得到了与自己情投意合的人或适合于自己发展的环境。Now we use it to describe coming by somebody of one's taste or being in an environment appropriate to oneself.

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姑娘,无论你嫁给谁,这都没有关系,只要他跟你情投意合,是上等人,又是个有自尊心的南方人就行。It doesn’t matter who you marry, as long as he thinks like you and is a gentleman and a Southerner and prideful.

在选读名著的过程中,最终会遇到几部名著、几位名家最与你情投意合。In the process of selecting famous works, you will meet a few famous work and a few great authors loved by you mostly.

我认为这是一种十分罕见、情投意合的关系,也是一种真正的相互尊重和仰慕。And I think it was a very rare relationship based on a meeting of minds and a genuine respect and admiration for each other.