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她踌躇满志,要在两年内完成高中学业。She is ambitious to get through high school in two years.

二度车网杭州负责人踌躇满志。Two degree vehicle net Hangzhou person in charge is smug.

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虽然过去两年遭遇了不少失败,但他还是踌躇满志。Despite many setbacks over the past two years, he is still hopeful.

这些都是树立在我们这些踌躇满志的南部年轻作家面前的偶像。These were the iconic figures held up to us aspiring young southern writers.

人生有两个悲剧,一个是万念俱灰,另一个是踌躇满志。——萧伯纳。There are two tragedies in life, one is desperation, the other one is hopeful.

很少掉队或突然转向或摇摆或倾斜,踌躇满志的蛞蝓蹒跚了。Seldom swerving or straggling or swaying or skewing, the smug slug shambled on.

他不再享受他的工作,不再对自己的权威沾沾自喜,也不再对自己的未来踌躇满志,他只是不想让任何事情再发生改变。He no longer enjoyed his work or his position or his future, but he held on anyway.

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同样,踌躇满志的成功人士可能改变自己的专业,加入精品运营业务或。Equally, high-flyers may change disciplines, join a boutique operation or a start-up.

编辑们连通知都没来得及便发表了,这份惊喜更让他踌躇满志。That the editor had not informed him of the acceptance made the surprise more complete.

因此我加入战斗,踌躇满志地为施乐全球管理人力资源。So I kind of threw my hat in that ring, wound up running human resources for Xerox worldwide.

卡吉尔上校爽快地向他道了谢,踌躇满志地迈着大步穿过了营地。Colone Cargill thanked him crisply and glowed with self-satisfaction as he strode across the area.

奥斯本先生虽踌躇满志,但是他明白还要过几年才能有机会担任党魁或者国家元首。Mr Osborne is ambitious but knows that any opportunity to lead his party or country is years away.

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在基?韦斯特,一位踌躇满志的作家敲开海明威的门,寻求指点,却被海明威安排做船员。an aspiring writer who knocked on Hemingway's door in Key West seeking advice and was co-opted as a crewman.

八阿哥踌躇满志,英姿勃勃,对晴川一见钟情,而晴川却一心只想回到现代。Eight AGe embarks on Wayne, heroic, and riverside love at first sight but riverside over-allocation back to modern.

汗血宝马,长剑握手,盔甲闪亮,我踌躇满志而强悍。The sweat blood treasure horse, the lance shake hands, the helmet is shining, I am puffed up with pride and violent.

当阿森纳踌躇满志前往克罗地亚对阵萨格勒布迪纳摩时,科尔将被留在大本营。ASHLEY COLE will be left behind by Arsenal as they head for tomorrow's Champions League qualifier with Dinamo Zagreb.

你在这座繁华的城市里踌躇满志,但很显然,你的才华比钞票多,你的梦想比背囊鼓。In this bustling cities you smug , but it is clear that your talents more than money, your dreams than rucksack drum.

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左冷禅踌躇满志地看着弟子在封禅台下演练武技,不断地有弟子传来华山派众人的消息。Left cold zen complacent at disciple in the practice FengChan attitude, constantly from a disciple huashan sent the message.

罗玉璇警官终于查到撞东旭的车线索,她踌躇满志地指挥着部下调看监控视频。Luo Yuxuan police finally to check the bus to bump Orient clues, she wound up command department cut the surveillance video.

马来西亚踌躇满志准备在2021年拥有第一个核电站,正在评估福岛的核危机,重新思考该国的核电站计划。Malaysia, which had hoped to switch on its first nuclear station in 2021, will reconsider after reviewing the crisis at Fukushima.