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他们把那些粗纺毛线绕成团。They balled off the woollen yarn.

我这件粗纺花呢,既结实又暖和。My woolen clothes are not only durable, but also very warm.

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阐述了粗纺产品设计时尚化,必须以市场为导向。The fashion designs of woolen fabrics must follow the market.

图5系粗纺和精纺毛织物整理加工的流程图。Figure 5 is a process flow chart of wool and worsted fabric finishing oprations.

图5系粗纺和精纺毛织物整理加工的流程图。Figure 5 is a process flow chart of wool and worsted fabric finishing operations.

英文粗纺行业以前的政治势力的故事也同样引人入胜。The tales of the erstwhile political power of the English woollen industry are also fun.

图4概略表示出粗纺和精纺毛织物生产的工艺流程。Figure 4 outlines the operations that take place in woolen and worsted fabric manufacturing.

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窗帘也开始流行粗纺网眼织品或深色格子、花卉图案帘布。The curtain also begins card fabric of design of cloth of popular slub mesh or brunet grid, flowers.

粗纺梳毛机的毛网质量,直接影响到细纱及成品的质量。The web quality of woollen-card directly affacts the quality of the wooll yarn and finished products.

通过粗纺织物的织物图、组织图及工艺,分析了千鸟格类织物的风格特点。The article introduces the character and style of swallow gird based on examples with photos and processing.

羊驼毛、马海毛、安哥拉兔毛可纺性能较差,多用于开发粗纺产品。Alpaca, Mohair and Angora rabbit hair were mostly used in rough products because of their poor spinning property.

室内大量的橡木和粗纺产品使室内有温暖的感觉,并具有良好的声学性能。Massive oak and woollen felt in the interior give the building the necessary warmth in addition to their acoustic function.

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本文阐述了走锭纺粗纺羊绒针织纱的支数控制经验。This paper describes the experience of the controlling the count in mule spinning when producing woolen cashmere knitting yarn.

啥味呢主要用作西服和长大衣料的一种斜纹粗纺的羊毛织物,最初用这种绵羊的羊毛织成。A woolen fabric with a coarse twill weave, used chiefly for suits and overcoats and originally made from the wool of this breed of sheep.

我公司专业从事粗纺羊绒面料、围巾、披肩、羊绒大衣、羊绒西装等羊绒制品的生产、销售。Our Company specializes in the production and sale of cashmere fabrics, scarves, shawls, cashmere coats, cashmere suits cashmere products.

在对羊绒围巾普通印花的基础上,开发并生产了粗纺透色水纹印花围巾。Based on normal print of cashmere scarf, it developed the translucent of woollen knitted cashmere scarf with translucent color, water mark.

总之,半精纺是介于精纺和粗纺之间的一种纺纱形式,其产品风格也是如此,半精纺产品的优越性已被市场广泛接受和推崇。On balance, the semi-worsted is a form between the worsted and the woolen, the superiority and style of it is canonized and prized by the yarn market.

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我们的宗旨是,以一流的技术,一流的管理,一流的装备,精心打造出中国顶级的粗纺呢绒生产制造中心。Under the best technique, best management with the best equipment, we are bending ourself to become the top woolen fabric manufactory center of China.

全棉印花、染色面料、真丝、化纤、毛料、混纺面料、麻面料、精纺粗纺等面料。We company mainly deals with cotton printing and dyeing, silk, synthetic fabrics, wool, blended fabrics, ramie fabric, worsted woollen fabric and so on.

半精纺的纺纱形式决定了其产品风格,它既保持了精纺产品纹路清晰、细腻、光泽好的优势,同时手感柔软、蓬松,又可与粗纺产品相媲美。The style of the yarn depends on the semi-worsted form. It does not only keep the exquisite, gloss of the worsted but also be soft and fluffy of the woolen.