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我今天了解到了制作一幅铜版画的全过程。I got to knowthewhole process of making a etching today.

我今天了解到了制作一幅铜版画的全过程。I got to know the whole process of making a copperplate etching today.

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用独特的铜版画语言创作出有文化品格、精神内涵的版画作品。Using unique language Create works with cultural character and spirit meaning.

一个铜版画是由一个图像搔直接进入金属或塑料盘。A drypoint is made from an image scratched directly into a metal or plastic plate.

柜门是敞开的,上面挂着的绘画和铜版画用红色丝带系成的蝴蝶结装饰。The drawings and etchings hanging on them are attached by red ribbons tied in bows.

我听说他的铜版画很了不起,有人说他是有史以来最伟大的画家之一。I read that his etchings are incredible, some say he ranks among the foremost of all time.

书中不仅包括弗洛伊德的画,但也是他的素描,木刻,铜版画和强大。The book includes not only Freud's paintings but also his sketches, woodcuts, and powerful etchings.

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这些绘画作品类型广泛,包括油画、铜版画、石版画和陶艺等。There are a wide range of different styles, including paintings, etchings, lithographs and ceramics.

这种形式又恰当的使用了当代艺术的形式,比如摄影、丝网版画,铜版画,平面数码印刷等。It also applies proper forms of contemporary art which include photography, silk screen, etching and digital print etc.

本研究在于探究铜版画与浪漫思潮的互动关系,以及铜版画语言与技术的演化。This essay explores the interaction of Romanticism and chalcography, and the evolution of its expression and techniques.

多色木版画、干刻铜版画和腐蚀铜凹版画技法在这一时期出现和发展。Multicolour woodblock print, dry etching of painting and etching copper intaglio techniques in this period appear and develop.

1630年自画像是他的五幅镀金铜版画之一,也是最小的画作之一,只有精装书大小。Self Portrait, from 1630, is one of only five paintings he executed on copper, and one of his smallest, the size of a hardback book.

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中国当代艺术与清代宫廷铜版画,有着相似的背景,因此它为中国当代艺术提供了参酌与借鉴。In china, contemporary art and palace copperplate of Qing have background in common. So it gives a reference for contemporary of china.

铜版画中通过“刻,蚀,压,刮”等方法产生的痕迹有别于其他版种。The imprint of chalcography by the methods of graving, itching, pressing and scratching is very different from other kinds of printmaking.

铜版画艺术与技术有着一种特殊的亲缘关系,这使人们看到技术的发展给铜版画带来的广阔前景。Etching has a special relationship with printing, and that makes people notice the promising future of etching following the improvement of press.

铜版画从古代的印刷科技演变成为今天的艺术创作媒材,作为关键时期的浪漫主义运动扮演了重要角色。The movement of Romanticism has played a key role in the transformation when chalcography developed from a printing technology into a creative medium.

在欣赏这些原版铜版画之时,也让我们听一听画面背后的故事,它将包括社会风土人情和美术历史方面的阐述。After an opportunity to appreciate these original engraving works, we will be able to hear about local customs and the art history relating to these images.

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写实风格在油画和铜版画中的不同表现语言进行对比,总结出他的写实风格的艺术特点。Realist style in oil and copper engraving in the comparison of different language summary of the performance of his artistic style characterized by realism.

儿童和成年人都将倒在精致的铜版画这些网页,看到变化和日常的日常发生的事情,季节到生命的季节沿岸居住。Children and adults alike will pour over these pages of intricate etchings, noticing the changes and happenings of day-to-day, season-to-season life lived along a river.

例如黑色主版用木刻或铜版画印,套色部分用彩色水印,而另一部分用照相丝网版印等。For example, the main version with black wood or copper engraving and India, part of Taose color watermark, while another screen version of the camera used, such as India.