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他有很高的志向。He has very great ambitions.

志向和你能再相逢。We hope to see you yet again.

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远大的志向鞭策着他。The great ambition is spurring him on.

她有着成为一个大作家的志向。She has aspiration to be a great writer.

我的最大志向是报效祖国。My biggest ambition is to serve my country.

人无志向,和迷途的盲人一样。A man without ambition, and a stray blindman.

梦露时代的美国,有着高远的志向。In Marilyn’s America, there were aspirations.

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亲爱的朋友,你新年新志向是什麽呢?Dear Friend, What is your new year resolution?

我的志向是发财致富,年轻时就退休。My ambition is to make money and retire young.

裘的志向是想轰轰烈烈地大干一番。Jo's ambition was to do something very splendid.

只须努力事业而有志向,机缘迟早终会惠临。Opportunity, sooner or later, comes to all who work.

这种新而高志向水平是被需要的。This kind of new and higher ambition-level is needed.

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那些所谓的志向和信仰。Those god-damned ambitions and the so-called believes.

人无志向,像迷途的盲人一样。He who has no aspiration will be like a stray blindman.

珍惜青春年华,追求远大理想,坚定崇高志向。Cherish youth, pursue broad ideal, the firm lofty ambition.

描述——这是一个荒谬思想的最后一个志向。Describing--that is the last ambition of an absurd thought.

这一目标志向高远,但却值得一试。These are very ambitious goals, albeit very worthwhile ones.

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志向广博,比若沧海,则心所往,势所向。Broad-minded than if the sea, to the heart, to the potential.

首先,在这样的工厂里提到远大志向是可笑的。First, the mere idea of ambition in the factory was ludicrous.

每个人都有自己的志向,好好努力奋斗。Everybody has his own ambition, try an all-out effort to fight.