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道教弟子都是教员。Finally, Daoists are teachers.

拉修迪的三名弟子之一。One of Rashidi's three apprentices.

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恩师引领四众弟子念佛。The teacher led four Buddha disciple.

柳泽于是收她为弟子。Hakuo then accepted her as a disciple.

由于名气日益远播,渐渐地她有了很多弟子。As her fame grew she had many disciples.

叶问的弟子之一就是年轻时代的李小龙。His students included a young Bruce Lee.

师徒弟子,亦复如是。This is also true with teachersdisciples.

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儒门弟子,现在越来越多,超过了以往。Disciples now become more, more than ever.

但第四个弟子却始终神智清醒。But the fourth managed to keep his sanity".

在那一刻,弟子开悟了。At that moment the disciple was Enlightened.

岩间的内弟子课程将继续进行。The Uchideshi courses will continue in Iwama.

两枚由弟子王浩新刻的印文。Two new seals as carved by disciple Wang Hao.

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耶律尊者的弟子天眼锐利。Yelu Arhat's disciples had sharp heaven eyes.

也因此它显现于弟子浩的梦中。And hence it appeared in disciple Hao's dream.

亲爱的朋友、弟子和同修们。Dear friends, students, and fellow meditators.

师徒弟子,亦复如是。This is also true with teachers and disciples.

C0272是由一位弟子所提请的翰墨。C0272 is a calligraphy requested by a disciple.

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昆仑派会不会放过我们这些小弟子呢?Kunlunfaction will let us do the small disciple?

谢谢弟子茶桶为他打字。Thanks to disciple Detong for typing it for him.

王小平是杨德森的得意弟子。Wang Xiaoping is a proud disciple of Yang Desen.