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但我怕说出本相郭德纲于谦。But I'm afraid to tell the truth.

耶稣呼吁我们按本相去到祂跟前。Jesus invites us to come as we are.

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我不希望在一本相簿上也去费力。I didn't want to labor over a photo album, too.

她人后的本相与人前的形象大为不同。Her private and public selves were vastly different.

哈里开始暴露出他的本相不仅仅是粗暴而已。Harry began to reveal himself as more than merely crude.

可一个关于本相的真理是——它很伤人,所以我们扯谎。But here's the truth about the truth—it hurts. So we lie.

归根究底,他曾见过我的内核,并且看见了它的本相。After all, he’d looked at my core and seen it for what it was.

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这本相本是阿东2004年的钓游精华总整理。These photos are the best fishing experience of Louis in past 2004.

说爱情会失去的那句话,乃是我们不能够当作真理来接受的一个本相。That love can ever lose is undeniable that we cannot accept as truth.

他呼召我们成为上帝家的儿女时,他已知道我们的本相。He knew what they would be when He called them into the divine family.

我们到祂那里,祂会按我们充满瑕疵与伤痕的本相来接受我们。When we come to him, he accepts us as we are, warts, wounds , and all.

由于我们与“我们眼里的西施”结缘,我们便无法看到现实的本相。Because we marry with "stars in our eyes, " we cannot see this reality.

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你能指教我死的本相和超越死亡的生命吗?Can you indicate to me the nature of death and of life beyond the grave?

还需要增加多少个例子强调已经很熟习的本相。A few more examples should be added to highlight the already familiar facts.

你起劲寻找本相的行为在潜行者中赢得了很多尊敬。Your striving to find the truth have earned you alot of respect among Stalkers.

插图都是玩具在行动的照片,全部回朔到一本相簿。The illustrations are photos of the toys in action, all pasted into a photo album.

体细胞通过有丝分裂增殖产生与亲本相似的子代细胞。Somatic cells divide by mitosis producing daughter cells identical to the parent cell.

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在立体式灵性诞生后在我看见玛丽亚的第一时间,她交给我一本相薄。The first time I saw Maria after Cloverleafs spiritual birth, she handed me a photo album.

大多数善意的假话都是我们对于本相的另一种延伸的阐释。Most of these white lies only stretch an interpretation of what the truth actually is anyways.

“女娲补天”神话广为人知,但对这一神话的本相向来有不同的看法。The myth of "Nüwa fixing up sky" is known widely, but there are different views about this myth.