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迄今为止,中国红十字会所采取的措施并未能安抚众怒。So far, the RCSC measures have failed to appease the outraged netizens.

然而,甚至在Buzz事件引发众怒之前,谷歌大厦便已出现了裂痕。But, even before the furore over Buzz, there were signs of cracks in the edifice.

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引人注意的是,她不再用教名称呼那位犯了众怒的夫人了。It was noticeable that she no longer called the offending lady by her Christian name.

信德省的部长凯姆。沙阿星期二讲了话以回应众怒。Sindh's chief minister, Qaim Ali Shah, spoke Tuesday in reaction to the public outcry.

来瑞克说在当前AIG引起众怒的情况下,新任选的官员应该开始用投资者的思维来明智地思考问题。In the current rage, Lerrick says, elected officials would be wise to start thinking like investors.

信德省的部长凯姆。沙阿星期二讲了话以回应众怒。Public outcry Sindh's chief minister, Qaim Ali Shah, spoke Tuesday in reaction to the public outcry.

但是,如果说发放奖金是基于先前的契约,而没有根据当前形式,那引起众怒就是应该的。But if any payments are based on past agreements, rather than the new order, anger would be justified.

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带有种族主义色彩的评论是一大禁忌。但日常生活中存在更多的雷区,人们需要尽量回避以免引发众怒。Racist comment is taboo. But there are many more minefields that people try to avoid in daily life to avoid public offense.

剧中令人恨得牙痒痒的小三张家宁,为了平息众怒,更是一口吃下敷过脸的黄瓜切片!In the drama, the "little three" hated by everyone, in order to appease the anger, she ate an mouthful of cucumber that was used as mask.

公司高级主管泰德·马自里表示,虽有很多消费者依然忠实于强生品牌,但强生公司还是要避免因激起众怒而招致灭顶之灾。While many consumers are still loyal, says Ted Marzilli, a senior executive at the firm, the company needs to avoid death by a thousand cuts.

但纾困却引发众怒.许多纳税人指责是银行业者引发这场危机,并认为援助方案规模太大,也不恰当.But the rescue has stoked public anger. Many taxpayers blame bankers for the crisis and think their pay packages are out-sized and inappropriate.

演讲引发了众怒,为针对他的武装叛乱火上浇油。此后,通过歌曲和讽刺文章,此事得以在阿拉伯世界传播开来。The speech caused a furor that helped fuel the armed rebellion against him and it has been since mocked in songs and spoofs across the Arab world.

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虽然永远无法搞清为什么希拉里的言辞会引发众怒,但经过六到七个星期的反复报道,这似乎成了众口铄金的事实。It was never exactly clear why this was supposed to piss people off, but after the sixth or seventh week of coverage it was just assumed that it did.

黄光裕给大家的教训是,所谓资本游戏高手,永远不要在市场做坏事惹众怒。The lesson that Huang Guangyu gives authority is, ace of so-called capital game, do not be in forever the market is maleficent provoke numerous anger.

梁介仁这次触犯了众怒,各酒行老板联名对他提起了控诉,公卖栈经理一职也被撤了。Liang Jieren this broke the anger, the wine shop boss filed a complaint to him, in the joint public sale also was removed from the stack manager position.

如果惹起众怒的示威抗议在周末土崩瓦解,工会就得找台阶挽回面子。Should the demonstrations fizzle out by the end of the week, amid popular exasperation, the trick may well lie in finding a way for the unions to save face.

既然富豪已经广犯众怒,而公家部门赤字益增,各国政府会将筹钱的矛头指向富人阶级的纳税特权。With plutocrats now causing widespread anger, and with public-sector deficits widening, governments will be tempted to target the tax privileges of the wealthy.

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“前辈,你也看到了。这个孩子太调皮了,已经犯了众怒了。”老族长和那几位长老一脸苦笑的说道。"Elder generation, you also saw. This kid is too very mischievous, have already made many Nus. "Old clan long and those elders are one saying of face wry laugh.

我宣誓忠于这一事实,那就是和2008年北京奥运会相比,2012年伦敦奥运在组织力和辉煌程度上,将会散乱无章,相形见绌,在受示威者阻挠抗议方面,伦敦奥运会将更集众怒于一身,成为众矢之的。I pledge allegiance to the fact that the London Olympics in 2012 will be messier and shabbier and far more prone to disruption by protesters than the Beijing Olympics.

重点要谨记避免争执,切勿故意唱反调。否则,你将难逃众怒或更为激烈的状况。It is very important to avoid getting in arguments or playing "Devil's Advocate, " as you could get into a feisty or even violent situation that you cannot get out of.