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一个人影都看不见。Not a soul was to be seen.

一个人影都看不见。There wasn't a soul to be seen.

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远方出现一个人影。A figure appears in the distance.

窗外闪过一个人影。A figure flashed past the window.

监视哨只是些无声的人影罢了。The lookouts were silent shadows.

一个人影在晨雾中隐约出现。A figure loomed up out of the mist.

海滩上一个人影都没有。There wasn't a single person on the beach.

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有四个人影刚刚走上桥头。Four shadows were just entering on the bridge.

但长期以来人影作业有着很大程度的盲目性。But this work exists of blindness for a long time.

我在黑暗中看见有人影接近。FIGURE】I saw a figure approaching in the darkness.

沿着码头再远些的地方有两个人影正在走过来。Further along the quay two figures were approaching.

那西塞斯四下张望,但他没见到半个人影。Narcissus looked around, but he couldn't see anyone.

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穿着长袍的人影如鬼怪般在帐间游走。Robe-clad figures moved among the tents like specters.

当我们到公园时,公园里一个人影都没有。When we got to the park, there wasn't anyone in sight.

光云里一个人影逐渐结聚成形。In the light cloud a figure knot gathers gradually a form.

四周没有树,没有街道牌,连人影都见不到。There were no trees around, no street signs, and no people.

音乐会结束没多久,大厅里一个人影都不剩了。No one remained in the hall soon after the concert was over.

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霍华德·葛灵杰,洛杉矶警察。里面有人影移动。Howard Granger? LAPD. There's someone moving around in there.

就在路飞一行,开心享受的时候,一个人影出现在他们面前。Fly to in the road, happy when enjoying, a people appears before them.

我开始沿着一条不熟悉的道路前行,连个人影都没有。I started walking down an unfamiliar road. There was not a soul there.