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这就叫进退两难。This is the dilemma.

所以,Kay陷入了进退两难的窘境。So Kay has been in a dilemma.

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也有许多人都面临着这样的进退两难的处境。Many people face this dilemma.

道德进退两难加剧了。The moral dilemmas intensified.

很多政府现在真是进退两难了。Governments are caught in a vise.

王芳发现自己陷入了进退两难的地步。Wang Fang found herself in a dilemma.

老师确实陷入进退两难的境地。Teachers are indeed caught in a dilemma.

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他面对进退两难的局面,不知如何是好。Faced with that dilemma, he was perplexed.

做事不能进退两难,想清楚,不能做墙头草。If bricks can be some thing, what about you?

常常感到困惑,象石头卡在凹洞里,进退两难!Confused, like stone stuck in a dilemma in sunken hole, !

德国,因此发现自己处于一个进退两难的境地。Germany, therefore, finds itself in something of a Catch-22.

所以这真是进退两难,需要合力解决。So it really is a dilemma which has to be solved collectively.

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进退两难的阶段,说易说难也是相对。The stage's in a dilemma, easy or difficult, it looks the same.

徐峰和吴珊珊的恋爱生活由此被打乱,吴珊珊进退两难。M and WuShanShan love life of which is upset, WuShanShan dilemma.

你可以解释你进退两难的困境,然后看着你的朋友说,You could explain your dilemma and then look at your friend and say,

那个人陷入进退两难的困境,不知该如何是好。The man lapsed into dilemma and hadn't the slightest idea of what to do.

我简直左右为难。那种进退两难的滋味你说叫啥?。I had my choice between catch 22s. What do you call that kind of dilemma?

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把原棉制作成纱线的纺纱厂目前的处境可谓进退两难。Spinning mills, which turn raw-cotton into yarn, are caught in a dilemma.

他们在异地他乡找不到工作,大多数人陷入了进退两难的困境。There were no jobs and most of them were stranded in an alien environment.

恰恰在这个时候老板发现了自己处在进退两难的境地。It was precisely at this juncture that the boss found himself in A dilemma.