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履行诺言将是责无旁贷的。Fulfilling it will be tough.

他背弃了自己的诺言。He receded from his promise.

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空洞的诺言是无诚意的。An empty promise is insincere.

你得苦守你的诺言。you must hold to your promise.

他没有实践他的诺言。He has fallen from his promise.

我让他不必履行诺言。I released him from his promise.

他不必履行诺言了。He was absolved from his promise.

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一个人应当信守诺言。One should keep to one's promise.

一个男子汉应该信守诺言。A man should stand to his promise.

惠普又一次违反了诺言。He skint his words once yet again.

他以行动证实了他的诺言。He vouched his words by his deeds.

她的嘴被诺言封住了。Her lips were sealed by a promise.

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伯德桑也遵守了他的诺言。Birdsong has also kept his promise.

他许下要给大报酬的诺言。He made promises of a large reward.

wwe又一次违犯了诺言。He skint his words once over again.

你如果做出诺言,就要履行诺言。If you make a promise, abide by it.

她违背了不喝酒的诺言。She broke her promise not to drink.

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我究竟何时许过这样的诺言?Whenever did I make such a promise?

他一向恪守诺言。He has always abided by his promises.

事实上,他们或许根本不会履行诺言。In fact, they may not deliver at all.