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塞北的冬天,生命在奏响,如此精彩!Saibei winter, life in the sounded so wonderful!

这里有着浓厚、典型的塞北文化气息。It is full of strong and typical Saibei culture tinge.

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塞北的雪,急切切地来,飘飘洒洒,莹洁璀璨。Saibei snow, earnestly anxious to come, Durian, Yingjie bright.

又一日,塞北送酥一盒至。Another time, a box of kumiss was sent to Cao Cao from north of the border.

从前,在中国的塞北住着一位老人。Once upon a time, there lived an old man on the northern frontier of China.

每年冬天都会有很多游客来这里观赏塞北的雪景。Every winter many tourists came here to view, and admire the snow covered view of the north Great Wall.

正是这许许多多普通、平凡的人生,孕育、创造了塞北绿色工业城市今日的辉煌。It is this many ordinary, ordinary life, nurture, and create a green industrial city Saibei today's brilliant.

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塞北的春天过早的被风沙刮走,我在初夏的阳光里祈祷常德师范学院的有心人快乐。Saibei be premature spring wind blowing, and I in the early summer sunshine prayer Changde Normal College of people happy.

目的比较研究塞北乌骨鸡和罗曼鸡种蛋的孵化性能,为塞北乌骨鸡系统化选育提供可借鉴的方向。In order to utilize it quickly, studies for comparing nutritional components of its eggs with Roman chicken were conducted.

依据碑文的记载,自北魏末年起,刘氏的先祖就居住塞上,进而成为塞北有名的豪族大姓。Inscription based on the record, since the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Liu's ancestors lived stuffed, into the become famous Haozu Saibei surname.

另外,本地地近塞北,处于农牧分界地区,陕北部分州县半农半牧,故畜牧业发达。In addition, the local land near Saibei, placed in Pastoral boundaries, some counties in northern Shaanxi is agriculture-nomad, so animal husbandry is developed.

塞北、西域优美的曲调和乐器不断传入中原,对中原音乐的丰富和发展产生了重大影响。The melodies and musical instruments of the Western Regions and regions beyond the Great Wall were continuously introduced to the Central Plains, and enriched and influenced the music there.