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他在暗处轻车熟路。He knows his way in the dark.

只留得面具,在暗处张牙舞爪。Just stay too mask, in the dark claws.

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是可塑性还是明暗处理?。Was it the plasticity or was it the chiaroscuro?

我在暗处仰望你、太阳般的光芒。I look up to you in the dark, the sun-like light.

节目结束后,托伊到了暗处。When the show was over, Troy went out into the darkness.

莱思莉和迈克尔常常坐在暗处,监视他们。Leslie and Michael would sit in the dark, monitoring the action.

然后我们要把左边的暗处弄得更暗一些。We'll also make the dark parts of the clouds on the left stronger.

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细观其与日相映,则知其明处乃一面,暗处又一面。One side may be facing the sun and is bright, while the other is dark.

保罗逊举枪对准了麦欧维克,麦欧维克从暗处走出,举起了双手。Paulson trains his gun on Myovic, who comes out with his hands raised.

突然间一个外形很像已故国王的鬼魂在暗处出现。Suddenly a ghost in the form of the late king appeared in the darkness.

“他或许在暗处摔倒并且摔断了腿,”斯派克姑母说。He probably fell down in the dark and broke his leg, " Aunt Spiker said."

金戈认为过去游击队在暗处,日军在明处,比较好打。Mr Think the guerrillas in the dark, the Japanese, in the light is better.

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她穿过掩着一扇通向暗处的门的竹帘,消失了。She disappeared through a bamboo curtain that covered a door into the back.

他也同样有暗处光线模糊的经历,但现在这种现象已逐步缓解。He, too, experienced blurry lights after dark but this has steadily lessened.

它们躲在暗处浅吟低唱,然而因着你对幸福过渡渴慕。They hide in the shadows to sing, but by your desire for happiness transition.

一种低微的声音,从壁炉旁的暗处慢腾腾地发出,好象从地里发出来一样。A small slow voice rose from the shade of the fireside, as if out of the earth.

不想却被徐艳秋在暗处下了黑手,残忍将其杀害。But don't want to be Xu Yanqiu under the black hand in the dark, cruel to kill.

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他们相爱了,周元只能在暗处独自承受痛苦。They loved each other, it is painful that Zhou Yuan can bear alone in shadow only.

杰克在驾车时,趁他不注意,科菲尔从暗处拿出了一把微技术公司生产的光晕As Jack drives, he doesn't notice Cofell pull out a hidden Micro Tech Halo II knife.

如图片上所示,“爱是一盏灯,愈暗处愈明。”As can be seen from the picture, "love is a lamp which is brighter in darker places."