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德国和日本何妨把臂同去。Let Germany and Japan follow.

醉倒何妨花底卧。Why not spend the end of lying drunk.

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有这样多悲伤的灵魂,多一个又何妨呢。Among so many sad souls, what was one more?

⊙、踏破青毡可惜,多行数步何妨。Flocking felt pity, multi-line step number.

怀疑的时候,何妨为未来踏出一小步。When in doubt, just take the next small step.

你的衣服污损了又何妨呢?What harm is there if thy clothes become tattered and stained?

本产品一百元都不到,试试又何妨?This product is one hundred yuan is not that, then why not try?

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可如果我非要说,不对,巴拿马运河完工这事儿发生在1941年,那又何妨?Who's Brittanica to tell me the Panama Canal was finished in 1914?

人在天涯,何妨憔悴。酒入金樽,何妨沉醉。People in the world, it haggard. The Jinzun liquor, it intoxicated.

但是只要它们教我怎样更好地利用时间,花些时间又何妨?But as they teach me to better use my time, I don’t consider it a waste.

能被你所爱,千疮百孔又何妨?可是,你却说我太完美。Can you love, in a disastrous state it? But, you said I was too perfect.

你都可以改正不良饮食习惯,我流点汗又何妨?If you can break your unhealthy eating habits, I can surely break a sweat.

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你已经加入了对话,那么何妨再寻求一些反馈呢?You’re already engaging in conversations, why not ask people for some feedback?

须信处处东风,又何妨对此,笼香觅醉。Dongfeng everywhere to be believed, then why not this, the cage Hong seek drunk.

不要总说自己老了,心不老,白发苍苍又何妨?Do not always say that their old, out of mind the old, white-haired then why not?

当然,爱情不在友情在,多交一个朋友,又有何妨呢?Certainly, love not in friendship in, a multi- junctions friend, also has why not?

至于美国,既然从那得不到人民想要的东西,何妨换边。As to the US he is not getting the desired things for his people why not switch side.

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你说“是的”已经说了四十次了,你再说它四千万次又何妨呢?You've said it forty times already, so why can't you say "Yes" forty million times more?

如果其执意要走,留也无益,何妨给对方一把“梯子”。If your employees insist on leaving, it's no use to persuade them to stay. So why not give them a "ladder"?

要是再多一会儿,和孩子一快玩耍布娃娃,即便带回家的工作任务还没来得及动手又何妨?Just a few more minutes of playing dolls. So what if the work I brought home was still sitting on the table?