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种植的头年不要使用化肥。Do not use fertilizer for the first year.

几天后,达芙妮的专业指导以及小屋主人的细心照料,改变了这头年轻小象。In a few days, Daphne's expertise and the lodge owner's care transformed the youngster.

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在利物浦头年的成功对雷纳来说难度很大。It was very difficult for Pepe to achieve what he's already done in one year at Liverpool.

3字头年龄是一个勇于试验的阶段,几乎所有3字头年龄的人都宣称尝试过野合。The 30s are a time to experiment, almost all 30-somethings claim to have had sex outdoors.

这头年轻的山地大猩猩,名叫奎贝莎,是维龙加国家公园中卡布里兹猩猩家族中的一员。This young mountain gorilla, named Kwibesha, is a member of the Kabrizi family of gorillas in Virunga National Park.

好的,我们会注意这一点儿。价格也会因数目而有所差别,贵公司预计在熬头年发卖多少数目呢?。Yes?we take note of your comment. Prices depend also on volume. How much quantity do you forecast to sell in the first year?

延长贷款年限、垫付头年本息、零首付、车房组合贷款这四式就有初段的水平了。Loans extended period, the first advance in interest, zero Shoufu, garages portfolio loans have an early stage of the four-level.

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不,我指的是企业生产开始产生利润的头年。而且,外国投资者的一切合法权益都受到中国法律的保护。No. I mean the years when you make a profit. What's more, all lawful rights and interests of foreign investors are protected by Chinese law.

其中点火器瓷头年生产能力达到100000000件,成为目前国内最大的点火瓷头生产企业。The ignition porcelain first year production capacity reached 100000000, becoming the largest ignition porcelain head production enterprises.

你要为这种特权花一大把钱——先得支付受聘员工头年年薪的三分之一,甚至更多——但是你也许真会找到超牛的应聘者。You’ll pay a lot of money for the privilege—one-third of the employee’s first- year salary, or more—but you’ll probably end up with truly topnotch candidates for your job.

过去,油价的上涨一度使得市场对金融部门焦躁不安,而金融部门,则仍然在抵御头年信贷危机的余波。For the moment, that has allowed the market to set aside nervousness about the financial sector, which is still contending with the fallout from the year-old credit crisis.

一年后,欧文斯再闯江湖,建立付费点击广告公司Branchr,利用课余及周末悉心经营,头年便赚得英镑50万。He then launched an advertising pay-per-click company "Branchr" a year later, worked on the business after school and on weekends, and made a staggering £500,000 in its first year.

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和往年一样,李阿姨把头年发霉的被子拿出来晒了晒,然后回到家里,当她听到自己十年前唱的歌声时依然乐开了怀,她似乎又回到了那个充满激情的年代。As usual, Aunt Li is airing the quilt in the sunshine. Then when she came back home, she feels very happy when hearing the old song a decade ago, as if she has been back to that passionate young time.