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那个孩子一出生就没有耳朵。The baby had been bron without ears.

战争本生就没有所谓的正义和邪恶。War is born with not so-called justice and Belial.

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当地男女生就读比例是怎样的?What is the boy-girl ratio of school-age children?

我是说那种一出生就“含着金汤匙”的富。I mean born-with-a-silver-spoon-in-your-mouth rich.

人生就象一场戏,因为有缘才相聚。Life is like a play, because only predestiny again.

每个人都生就一种天赋,但仅仅少数人曾发觉这一点。Everyone is born a genius but only a few ever realize it.

人生就象一本书,痛苦的一页总会翻过去的。Life is like a book, the painful leaf must be overturned.

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原来,陈春生就是两姐妹失踪多年的父亲。Originally, ChenChunSheng is two sisters long-lost father.

要是你找到了这样一位伴侣,你的人生就完备了,充塞了欢娱。And if you find such a friend, You feel happy and complete.

当然啦,最佳的防治方法是生就一个大脑袋瓜。But the best protection is to have been born with a big brain.

人一出生就注定了身份的贵贱吗?Person's one birth predestined one personality of high or low?

这位烈士生就一身傲骨,从未在敌人面前屈服过。A man of unyielding character, he would rather break than bend.

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不幸的是,海尼一出生就患有先天性白内障,仅能依靠妈妈来辨别方向。He was blind from birth and relied on his mother for orientation.

大多数公的小牛一出生就被失去生命,只因他们不能产奶Most male calves are killed at birth because they don’t bear milk

凤凰重生就是涅盘,野鸡重生就是尸变。Phoenix is the rebirth of Nirvana, pheasant rebirth is Evil Dead.

瑞亚生了许多子女,但每个孩子一出生就被克洛诺斯吃掉。Rhea gave birth to many children, but every child born was Cronus.

谁都管不了,谁都没本事,当然调皮生就为所欲为了。Unruly, who did not skill, of course, naughty gifted manipulation.

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这个学生死了10头母羊,其中9头一出生就死了。This individual had 9 out of 10 ewes die this year following birth.

CRA是缓解目前医学生就业难的一条新途径,且前景较为乐观。CRA is a new way to solve the employment problem for medical students.

每个人都生就一种天赋,但生命的过程会减损那种天赋。Everyone is born a genius but the process of life deludes that genius.