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那女学生正值豆蔻年华。That girl student is in the green.

浑浊的咖啡色,老房子的沉重,一个豆蔻年华的少女,变成了一个长舌妇。The muddy brown, the heavy old house, a nutmeg age girls, become a Zhangshe Fu.

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而正值豆蔻年华的我却渴望母女间有一种推心置腹的倾心交谈。But as a teenager I yearned for heart-to-heart talks between mother and daughter.

喜欢上你的时候,我们还是豆蔻年华,岁月变迁,不变的依然是这份情。In love with you, we Love cardamom , time changes, this is still the same situation.

孩提之年、豆蔻年华、花信年华、韶华中年和富贵晚年是女子一生中五个芳馨可爱的年龄。Pre-teen, Teen, Young adult, Middle AGE, and Matron are the five fragrance AGEs of woman.

孩提之年、豆蔻年华、花信年华、韶华中年和富贵晚年是女子…Pre-teen, Teen, Young adult, Middle age, and Matron are the five fragrance ages of woman.

梗直豆蔻年华,一直向往江湖生活,更崇拜江湖中的大人物。Proper time, has been yearning cardi'mom seed river of life, even worship bisexualg river.

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本片讲述一个豆蔻年华的女孩和她所在的家庭努力渡过失去儿子的痛苦的故事…A drama that is centered around a troubled teenage girl and a family that is trying to get over the loss of their son.

在墓地旁边经常可以找到书信体诗,在便笺上潦草写下的豆蔻年华的浪漫诗,还有亲切的献辞。Beside the grave you’ll often find epistles, teenage attempts at romantic poetry scrawled on notepaper, and lovingly dedicated letters.

和一个豆蔻年华的女儿同行,作为一个处处呵护的父亲自要操很多心,但也会有否则不可能遇到的遭遇。Travelling with a teenage daughter carried its own concerns for an overprotective father, but it also prompted otherwise unlikely encounters.

青葱岁月,豆蔻年华,流逝的青春在我们的经意与不经意中悄然离开!怀念少年时光,畅想美好未来!Beautiful days, the bloom of youth, the youth of the passage of the Jing and unwittingly quietly away! Miss juvenile time, Imagine a bright future!

无论60岁耄耋之年,还是16岁之豆蔻年华,每个人的内心中都渴望生命的奇迹,永远向往人生旅途中未知的境遇和生活中的乐趣。Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing child appetite for what's next and the joy of the game of living.