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卷起袖子就开工,那很好。Roll up your sleeves. That's great.

所以,读完这篇文章,你就立刻开工吧!So stop reading this. And just start!

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资方封闭工厂,阻止工人进厂开工。The management has locked the men out.

我一看,正是一脸笑意、准备开工的乔希。It was Josh, smiling and ready to work.

我得遵守的开工日期。They have a start date I have to honor.

建设工程将于2010年年初开工。Construction is set to begin in early 2010.

揭阳潮汕机场昨日正式开工建设。Chaoshan started building the airport yesterday.

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中国今年将严格控制新开工项目。China will strictly control new projects this year

约翰·亨利随即两只手各拿一把锤子同时开工。Then, he started working with a hammer in each hand.

年,第一座面食工厂在那不勒斯开工。In 1740 the first pasta factory was opened in Naples.

只需按下开关,吸入式食物机就开工了。To make the machine work, just press the 'on' switch.

中俄联合炼油厂将于下半年开工建设。Sino-Russian crude oil refinery to start construction.

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但是那个人开口说5万块才肯给我开工。But the man speak to me before they agree to start 50000.

1869年耶鲁汤尼锁厂在斯坦福德开工。In 1869 the Yale & Towne lock factory opened in Stamford.

我们又出去买了更多的木料,他马上就开工了。We went out to buy more wood, and he set to work at once.

一些海水淡化厂已经开工。A number of desalinization plants are already in operation.

无论你今天感觉多糟,也要按时起床,梳洗打扮,出门开工。No matter how you feel today, get up, dress up and show up.

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在奥运开幕前几天政府高官还参加了它的开工典礼。Top officials attended its opening a few days before the games.

从严控制新开工项目。We will strictly control the number of new projects undertaken.

另外,各公司对开工日期要求也不同。Moreover, each company folio date of work request also different.