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我觉得自己就像一个战时的奸商。I feel like a war-time profiteer.

他们将被称为投机者和奸商。They'llbe called speculators and profiteers.

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奸商净坑人。The profiteers cheated people right and left.

在旅游区一定要谨防奸商。Beware of dishonest traders in the tourist areas.

您好,我是奸商公司。Nice to meet you, I represents Profiteer company.

他们是一个奸商的受害者。VICTIM】They were the victims of a dishonest merchant.

奸商企图把一幅假画卖给我。The dishonest trader tried to plant a faked picture on me.

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过去奸商常以次货欺骗顾客。Dishonest tradesmen used to fob off inferior goods on the customers.

在那些饱受物价上涨痛苦的人的眼里,他们就是“奸商”。They become "profiteers" in the eyes of those hurt by rising prices.

在涨价受害者眼里,商人变成了牟取暴利的奸商。They become “profiteers” in the eyes of those hurt by rising prices.

把这些奸商弄破苦胆、哭瞎眼、痛不欲生、生不如死,怎么样?These profiteers easy Kudan, crying effectively blind, lie, hell, what?

因无意中拍下菊香的倩影,爱上菊香,后来还帮助她摆脱奸商查里张。He falls in love with Juxiang after taking a shot of her unintentionally.

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给他们资金和技术以使战争奸商发财吗?Will give them the money and technology just to keep the War profiteers gong.

没有代理人和奸商相勾结的证据。There is no evidence that the broker was in league with the fraudulent vendor.

你可算得是第一流的奸商,这也是咱公司的造化。You are a shark of the first order, Euripides. So much the better for the firm!

这个法律就是用来制止奸商以欺骗手段出售劣货。This law is intended to prevent dishonest people from palming off inferior goods.

数百万人在打仗捐躯,而奸商们却趁机发不义之财。While millions were fighting and dying, the profiteers were lining their pockets.

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这家伙什么时候也变坏了,一定是被风奸商传染地。This guy while too grew aggravate, have to pedal the breeze untruthful trader infection floor.

这种公共性罪犯、高利贷者、奸商等等,无论其信仰与种族,必须惩以死刑。Common criminals, usurers, profiteers, etc., must be punished with death, whatever their creed or race.

和在此之前,在很多人看来,开发商是奸商牟取暴利代表行业。And Prior to that, in many people's eyes, the developer is to profiteer profiteering on behalf of industry.