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别把花剪下,我央求。Don't cut them, I pleaded.

常常央求我唱一支歌。He often asks me to sing a song.

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只要你央求,那朵花就是你的。The flower is your for the asking.

人们央求政治避难。The people ask for political asylum.

我跟着他,我央求他,我大喊大叫。I followed him about. I pleaded. I yelled.

他们央求有更多的时间来了偿存款。They ced for more time to repay the loper.

我们希望贵方再次酌量我们的央求。Wead like you to consider our request once yet again.

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“再放长一点吧,我想再飞高一点!”它央求着。"Please set longer, i want to fly higher. "he begged.

有时孩子们会央求她搬回纽约去。The children beg her sometimes to move back to New York.

他央求爱神赐给它生命。那饕餮便变成了马特洛特。He besought Love to give it life, and this produced Matelote.

全体来说,论文导语的创造央求是比较高的。The creation of all, the thesis leads begged is relatively high.

“我来接你去跟我们同住的,爸爸,”她急切地央求道。"I want you to come home with me, papa , " she pleaded yearningly.

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既见了,就央求他礼开他们的境界。And when they saw him, they pleaded with him to leave their region.

女贼央求道,求求你千万别报警,你怎样都行。Female thief beg, beg you to must not call the police, how do you go.

“哦,爸爸,你别那么说,”她央求道,同时也不由得泪如泉涌了。"Oh, papa , please don't, " she pleaded, tears welling from her eyes.

他们央求老师带他们去公园,直到她答应才罢休。They begged their teacher to take them to the park until she caved in.

这孩子眼里含着泪,央求他的父亲不要生气。The child, with tears in his eyes, implored his father not to be angry.

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美者举行去眼袋手术的央求。The United Sthpublishings to get rid of the eye golf bag oper requirements.

鬼央求耶稣,准他们进入猪里去。The demons begged Jesus to let them go into them, and he gave them permission.

希刺克厉夫知道,他为了要凯瑟琳作伴是能够娓娓动听地央求的。Heathcliff knew he could plead eloquently enough for Catherine's company, then.