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快剧网首发,齐大为找到樱子。Fast play nets start to find yingzi, qi.

我认为巴西的首发阵容中将没有尼尔玛。A. I expect Brazil to line up without Nilmar

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英格兰板球队首发击球手。Opening batsman for the England cricket team.

美国宇航员太空上网首发微博。Astronauts finally get Internet access in space.

他们中的许多都是有可能进入到首发队伍的。Stuff as many of them as possible into the team.

诺维利诺总是用相同的球员首发。Coach Novellino always plays with the same line-up.

所有迹象显示,他会以首发或者替补的某种形式参加这场比赛。Allthe signs are that he will be involved in some way.

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刚刚进球破百的埃托奥却意外无缘首发。Eto 'o's goal just Pobai but missed the first accident.

该车于孟加拉新年初一首发。It was started on the first day of the Bengali New Year.

赶紧滴让贝勒爷首发阻止他布突破啊!We have to let Bayless try and stop Brooks' penetration.

他为海盗出战75场,73次首发担任左截锋和右截锋。He started 73 of 75 games at right tackle and left tackle.

同时对其他首发能投三分也起到作用。It also helped that the other starters could shoot threes.

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我的队友也是一样,因为那时我是首发中锋。My teammates were, too, because I was the starting center.

本文系本人原创,新视听首发。This article is my original, the new audio-visual starting.

正如你首发上场,砖放在面倒在屏幕上。As you started to play, brick on the face down on the screen.

特别要提及一下,他只是在比赛前两个钟头才得到首发的消息。Especially as he only got the call two hours before kick-off.

同时,他首发141次、94次连续首发也创造了球队纪录。His 141 starts and 94 consecutive starts are also team records.

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你对洋快餐店一赠送玩具等作为促销首发是否赞成?为什么?Do you agree with the fast food shops' Marketing with toys? why?

我用不着排队等公共汽车。我在首发站上车。I needn't to line for bus, I get in it at the first bus station.

那就为新婚燕尔的奥多姆顶替他首发铺平了道路。That would pave the way for newlywed Odom to start in his place.