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一个会喷出硫磺的卫星。A moon that spews brimstone.

一个蝙蝠粪和硫磺小球。A tiny ball of bat guano and sulfur.

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硫磺是一种有效的冷硬成形成份。Sulphur is a potent chill-forming element.

也许消防和硫磺和威胁的地狱。Maybe fire and brimstone and threats of Hell.

我们燃烧煤和油时,也释放了硫磺。Sulphur is released when we burn coal and oil.

三氧化硫在硫磺酸里的吸收。Absorption of sulfur trioxide in sulfuric acid.

火山区有丰富的硫磺。Sulfur is found abundantly in volcanic regions.

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在北太平洋硫磺坑正在喷发。The erupting Brimstone Pit in the North Pacific.

一天夜里,库房里的硫磺引起了火灾。One night, the sulfur in the storage caused the fire.

空气中弥漫着刺鼻呛人的硫磺气味。The pungent, choking smell of sulphur filled the air.

可从燃烧时的硫磺味识别出角蛋白。The sulfurous smell of Burning keratin is distinctive.

但过量的硫磺和氮气却会造成收成的损害。But overdoses of sulfur and nitrogen cause crop damage.

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就是“硫磺之岛”的意思,因为硫磺味儿才得的名。"It means "Sulfur Island, " which accounts for the smell.

施硫磺粉对土壤养分没有明显的影响。Sulphur powder has no remarkable effect on soil nutrition.

硝酸钡拌硫磺再点缀以木炭。Barium nitrate in a sauce of sulfur and garnished with charcoal.

蛋类含有半胱氨酸、硫磺、卵磷脂、氨基酸类和叶黄素。Eggs contain cysteine, sulfur, lecithin, amino acids and lutein.

硫磺冲击波对每个生物和玩家造成2点伤害。Sulfurous Blast deals 2 damage to each creature and each player.

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忘记洪水和硫磺,每一只迅猛龙开始奔跑。Forget floods and brimstone, it's raptors everyone is running from.

硫磺烈火是我们正在关注的天赋,同样的还有熔火之心。Fire and Brimstone is something we're looking at, as is Molten Core.

耶和华的气如一股硫磺火,使它着起来。The breath of Jehovah, like a stream of brimstone , Sets it on fire.