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林怎么了”优优急切的问道。Forest how" good asks agog."

狱卒急切地观察着。The gaoler looked on eagerly.

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他们已准备妥当急切想出发。They are ready and raring to go.

我急切的等待着下一章的问世!I eagerly await the next chapter!

他急切恳求我帮他一个忙。He urgently begged a favour of me.

我急切地等待着你的答复。I am anxiously awaiting your reply.

但我急切需要看到结果。I desperately needed to see results.

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愚蠢的地精急切地点点头。The kobold nodded eagerly, stupidly.

他急切贪婪地吸了一口烟。He eagerly snuffled a mouthful of smoke.

不要做山观虎,我急切需要你的帮助。Don't sit back , we need your help badly.

你突然显得那么急切,这是什么意思?What sudden eagerness is this you evince?

我也急切地再次参与了这轮融资。I eagerly re-upped for this round, as well.

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它们均指急切地询问或要求。They all Inesyl to ask or request urgently.

"那么我在哪里可以找到幸福呢?"唐唐急切的问道。Where can I find my happiness, asks Thomas?

他急切想喝点什么,用手指从嘴唇上撕下一小块干皮。He picked at a dry piece of skin on his lip.

“帮我找马尔福。”哈利急切地说。"Help me find Malfoy, " said Harry urgently.

“你们去那儿找什么?”西莫急切地问。"What were you after?" asked Seamus eagerly.

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我急切地盼望着开始,因为我热爱我的工作。I am anxious to start because I like my work.

他急切地想以低价买到这件旧家具。She bargained eagerly for this old furniture.

那个男孩非常急切地想要得到一本地理书。The boy was too eager to get a geography book.