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这是典型的自闭症便便。It was the classic autism poop.

满身都是便便的臭臭鲨鱼皮。It's a dirty sharkskin full of poop.

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这是很难判断便便中黑色的是什麽。It is hared to tell what the black thing was.

亲爱的,你今天的便便又黄又硬。Honey, your pool looks so yellow and hard today.

准备好带着你的训练便便座垫外出了吗?Ready to take your potty training out in the world?

正如便便说的一样,知足者常乐。我应该去学着珍惜身边这一切。I defy myself, I'm living in a lie, like no one else.

他弯下深吸了一口气,“闻起来像便便!”" his stoop was sucked greatly at a heat, "Smell picture!

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我需要找到用便便纸制作尿片的方法。I need to figure out how to make diapers out of Poo Poo Paper.

中国的毕先生训练的爱猫便便发明猫咪专用的冲厕器。Chinese man called Mr Bi has trained his cat to use his toilet.

偶然便便较水状可能是轻微的消化问题。An occasional watery stool may be due to a mild digestive problem.

可是真正让我烦恼的是他研究动物的便便。But what really bothers me is that he studies the poop of animals.

它会控制大小便吗?还是会到处留下小磁器便便?Is he housetrained or will he leave little bathroom tiles all over?

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同时我也奇怪在我进行生素食之前,那些便便都跑到哪里去了?Also makes me wonder where all that poop was going before I was raw.

便便完后,我才意识到我坐马桶坐的有些偏,便便都搞到地上了…I realised after that I'd sat too far over and had peed on the floor.

爱情就像便便,水一冲就再也回不来了。The love is like then and then, water a blunt return and come any further.

葛瑞祥好,葛瑞祥坏,葛瑞祥是我的裤腰带,拉到WC吃便便。Ge Ruixiang good, Ge Ruixiang bad Gerui Xiang is my waistband, pulled WC eat poo.

美国政府建议将它们和猫或者其他宠物便便混合在一起扔掉。Wrap them up in used kitty litter or other pet droppings, the U.S. government advises.

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旅游时这个便便垫可以折叠起来,而且可以方便的放进尿布包或大的袋子里。Traveling potty seat folds for easy and discrete carrying in a diaper bag or large purse.

苏普瑞阿迪说,“2008年我收集了大约50公斤的麝香猫便便,卖给了当地的分销商。In 2008, I gathered about 50 kilograms of luwak beans and sold them to local distributors.

这也就是说,如果这只狗在白宫拉便便,我们要等未来几代人来清理干净。That way, if the dog leaves a mess in the White House, itll be cleaned up by future generations.