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千屈莱科的一种草本植物。A variety of the loosestrife herb.

与葫芦巴相关的旧大陆草本植物。Old World herb related to fenugreek.

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羊靠吃草本植物长肥。The sheep battened upon the herbage.

荨麻是一种多年生草本植物。Urtica is a kind of perennial plant.

多年生肉质草本植物,形成垫状。Succulent perennial herb, forming mats.

非洲南部的一种开白色钟形花的草本植物。Shaped like a bell, as certain flowers are.

我们的花园四周种有草本植物。We have a herbaceous border round our Garden.

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种子植物主要由草本植物组成,草本植物占绝对优势。Seed plants are mainly made up of herbage plants.

炙烤或烘烤你最喜欢的草本植物或香料。Grill or bake with your favorite herbs and spices.

吃党生和黄芪之类的草本植物对我们也有好处。Eating dangsheng and huangqi herbs is also good for this.

最著名的提高记忆力的草本植物是迷迭香。One of the most famous memory-enhancing herbs is rosemary.

最著名的提高记忆力的草本植物之一是迷迭香。One of the most famous memory-enhancing herbs is rosemary.

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薄荷和留兰香为薄荷属多年生草本植物。The plants of Mentha haplocalyx Briq. and Mentha spicata L.

雷公山自然保护区草本植物调查。A survey of the herbs in the Leigong Mountain Nature Reserve.

植被类型简单,以草本植物为主,覆盖度低。Simple vegetation type with low coverage is dominated by herb.

人参果属茄科类多年生双子叶草本植物。Ginseng is a perennial dicotyledonous herbs Nightshade classes.

香瓜属葫芦科,一年蔓生草本植物。Cantaloup is belonged to cucurbitaceous, a year of rampant herb.

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因其黑心的暗红色花朵而培育的欧亚草本植物。Eurasian herb cultivated for its dark- centered deep red flowers.

欧亚草本植物,伞房花序末端开白色或淡紫色花。Eurasian herb with white or pinkish flowers in a terminal corymb.

攀缘草本植物,用作饲料或用于土壤改良。Herbaceous climbing plant valuable as fodder and for soil-building.