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翌年开春,他们又如法炮制了同样的计划。The next year, they make the same New Year's resolutions.

翌年第四军又缩编为第十七师。The following year and the fourth cut from the 17th Army Division.

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夏季从五月开始到十月,冬季从十二月到翌年二月。Summer season runs from May to October, winter from December to February.

翌年首位女性众议员出席众议院.The following year the first woman MP took her seat in the House of Commons.

翌年,拉米开始了自己的品牌钢笔墨水的生产。The very next year, Lamy begins production of its own branded fountain pen ink.

针对老式吉他的EverTune改进结构应于翌年的五月份上市。EverTune retrofits for old guitars should be on the market by the following May.

翌年,他又到访伊朗,之后结识了查韦斯。He followed up with a visit to Iran the following year and then befriended Chávez.

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丁衍庸赴日留学,翌年入东京美术学校。Ding Yanyong travels to Japan, and he enters the Tokyo Art School the following year.

按照停战协定的规定,翌年召开了政治会议。A political conference was held the following year, as provided in the armistice agreement.

为了攒钱多使用翌年双筒镜会使你终生难忘。Another year of using binoculars while building a savings account will be time you'll never regret.

所以我决定到香港。在一九八六年,我成了施万赋的助手,翌年我获得练马师牌照。I came out to work as assistant to Gordon Smyth in 1986, and then the following year, I had my own license.

翌年当该剧院需要一位第三指挥时,他承担了这一职位,同时继续担任乐团首席。A year later the company needed a third conductor and Kamu took up the position along with his tasks as a leader.

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在7月1日至翌年6月30日期间,球员最多可在三家俱乐部先后注册。Playersmay be registered for a maximum of three clubs during the period from 1 Julyuntil 30 June of the following year.

香港电台于1970年成立公共事务电视部,翌年开始制作电视节目。RTHK set up its Public Affairs Television division in 1970 and started television productions from the subsequent year.

幸存者顺阿穆尔河漂流而下,他们在河口处捱过了第二个冬天。翌年春天,队伍掉头向北进入鄂霍次克海。The survivors floated down the Amur, wintered at the river's mouth and in the spring turned north into the Sea of Okhotsk.

翌年,一个叫王懿荣的商人对这些甲骨发生了兴趣,他赶到河南收集了许多,带回去研究。The ollowing year, a merchant named Wang Yirong developed an interest in the shells, and went to Henan to collect more of them.

在14日,她参加了2002年全国初中基本能力评估的9球锦标赛,并于翌年,她位列第五位在这项活动。At 14, she participated in the 2002 BCA Junior National 9-Ball Championships, and the following year, she placed fifth in the event.

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翌年,克里姆林宫又插手了乌克兰的总统选举,当时普京公开支持竞选中舞弊的失利一方——雅努科维奇。Later that year came the Kremlin’s meddling in the presidential election in Ukraine, when Mr Putin publicly backed the fraudulent loser.

团队中的半数人死去了,幸存者顺着黑龙江而下,在河口度过了冬天并于翌年春天转向北边来到了鄂霍次克海。Half the gang died. The survivors floated down the Amur, wintered at the river’s mouth and in the spring turned north into the Sea of Okhotsk.

1884年,他在Leubus获得高级医师资格,翌年被任命为德累斯顿的治疗与护理研究所的主任。In 1884 he became senior physician in Leubus and the following year he was appointed director of the Treatment and Nursing Institute in Dresden.