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他说养羊没有赚头。He says that sheep farming doesn't pay.

我所做的投资都很有赚头。The investments I made were all profitable.

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有些小型的合作企业赚头极好。Some small cooperative enterprises share out very well.

每月得失相抵仍有许多赚头。Gains and losses average out to a large profit each month.

扣除税收和通货膨胀后如果还能有赚头,那就算你走运。After taxes and inflation you'll be lucky to come out ahead.

这时候把它买下来,动些脑筋,好好宣传,一定大有赚头。This time buys it, use a brain, propagandizes well, certainly greatly has the profit.

规模稍小一些的房展会也能有几百万的赚头。Really common snipe mussels competing, soil, the final exhibitors little money on account exposition.

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然而,在新上任的美国总统欧巴马誓言要投资绿色能源后,投资相关产业也可能会有赚头。S. President on a pledge to invest in clean energy, growth plays in worthier sectors may also reward.

假如按低价卖,房租、人员工资、安装费分摊后也没有多少赚头。If sell by low, salary of chummage , personnel, installation also does not have how many gain after fee share.

我们做生意是要得到利润,但这种利润是来自合宜的赚头以及存货的周转率高。We' re in business to make a profit, but this profit comes from both a good mark-up and having a high turn-over Of stock.

而地中海与西印度群岛地区赚头大而风险高的贸易则需要造价昂贵的轮船。However, in the rich but dangerous trades into the Mediterranean16 and the West Indies17, more costly ships were required.

除了这笔交易大有赚头外,法国的最高层政治人物且已认定,善用法国这项最伟大资产事不宜迟。Not only is the payoff lucrative , but top French politicians decided it was time to make better use of one of the country's greatest assets.

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博佐洗掉了人行道上他作的画,数了数收入——有十六先令左右,他说其中十二三先令是赚头。Bozo washed his pictures off the pavement and counted his takings—it was about sixteen shillings, of which he said twelve or thirteen would be profit.

你要做的就是回应木马,木马背后的黑客会将你转接到其它站点——比起你浏览图片所引发的带宽消耗,此举颇有赚头。What you're actually doing is giving answers to a bot used by spammers to gain access to other sites —which is worth more to them than the bandwidth you'll consume browsing images.