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我们必须有的放矢。We must "shoot the arrow at the target".

另外,你可以有的放矢的进行选购。In addition, you can focus more on what you would like to buy.

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通过对读者心理理论的探讨,在实践中尽可能做到有的放矢地为读者服务。By analyzing these, we can serve the interest of reader as far as possible.

我国五金工具市场面对快速增长的局面,要懂得有的放矢。Our country hardware tools market face rapid growth situation, want to know the boxes.

拙文有的放矢,密切联系实际,希望能在理论和实践上供同行参考和借鉴。I hope it will be valuable to the colleagues for reference in both theory and practice.

同时要对自己的留学之路进行初步规划,这样可以作到有的放矢。And establish the primary plan about going abroad, you can have a definite object in view.

有的放矢,稳定质量,提高刀具的加工性能。Have of put the Target, stabilize the quantity, increase the knife have of process the function.

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公安管理的切入点是针对公安队伍存在的问题有的放矢进行的。Public security administration is directed against the problems existing in public security rank.

只有找到准确的潜在精神语言障碍,治疗才能有的放矢。Only by uncovering the precise underlying psycholinguistic deficit can therapy be properly targeted.

倡导用纱对口,有的放矢生产紧密纱,做到物尽其用,以取得更好的经济效益。The using and producing compact yarn must be proposed reasonably to achieve better econmnic benefits.

研究这一难题的成因及应对措施,是对农民工有的放矢进行培训的重要前提。It is an important precondition to study the reason and find a solution for special training for farmers.

真正了解危险废物国际贸易现象的背景与原因,才能制定相应的政策措施,做到有的放矢。Only when know the backgrounds and reasons can we make the policies that have a definite objective in view.

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这将让你可以重置你的攻击路线,把剩下的炸弹有的放矢的投放,以便获得最大伤害。This will allow you to reset your attack route and drop of the rest of your bombs resulting in maximum damage.

做好提高高校教师素质的工作,必须针对存在的问题和不足,突出重点,有的放矢。To improve the quality of the teacher must show the importance facing to the existing problems and shortcomings.

目睹中国沿着始终如一、有的放矢的道路向着可持续机动化迈进确实给我留下了深刻印象。I was truly impressed to see China's consistent and targeted approach as it follows the path towards sustainable mobility.

只有抓住空间变化的内核,建筑设计和城市设计有的放矢,而不迷失方向。Only by seizing the core in changes, architecture and urban design could shoot hit the target, and not lose our direction.

只有内在技术表现得到有的放矢之时,外在的技术表现才更能具有较高的精神品质。Only the inherent technical performance has been focused, the external technical performance can have a much higher quality.

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有的放矢地花上五分钟来的时间整理日计划或周计划会让你精力集中,并且让你的日程清单与时俱进。Taking five minutes to start your day or week with clear priorities will make you more focused and keep your list up-to-date.

只有了解了工作内容和目标,才能有的放矢开展工作,不打无预备之战。Knew working content and cause only, ability have a definite object in view begins the work, do not make extemporaneous fight.

研究资产证券化中的“真实销售”问题,目的在于有的放矢地采取措施,防范相关法律风险。The intention of studying "true sale" problem is to take preventive measures by which we can refrain from relevant legal risk.