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鸟是鸱鸮,非常少见。This is a rare strigidae.

佝偻病现在很少见了。Rickets is quite rare now.

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少见的星相都很重要哦!Rare aspects are important!

而法式深吻则更加少见。French kissing is rarer still.

在沙漠中雨是很少见的。Rain is a rarity in the desert.

韩佳,这条路很少见。Han Jia, this is a strange road.

这样一毛不拔的吝啬鬼世上少见。Such close-fisted misers are rare.

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高顶大礼帽现在很少见。A top hat is rare sight these days.

左撇子科学家其实并不少见。Lefty scientists are hardly unusual.

UAH是一种新的亚型,较为少见。As a new subtype, UAH is rarely seen.

粗短,少见!精铁,漂亮!Tubbiness , rare! Refined iron, nice!

脊索瘤是极少见的恶性肿瘤。Chordomas are rare malignant neoplasms.

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那是汽车很少见的年代。It was a time when motorcars were rare.

猫吃开心果,似乎很少见。Cats eat pistachios, appears to be rare.

脊柱的节段性损害时很少见的。Metameric lesions of the spine are rare.

幕上病变是少见的。Supra-tentorial lesions are less common.

这是极其少见的。"This is extremely rare, " said Vukan R.

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完全独出心裁的戏剧结构很少见。Few plots of plays are entirely original.

老式的树脂塑料唱片现在已经很少见。Old-fashioned vinyl records are now rare.

这在中国和世界上都是少见的。This is rare both in China and the world.