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一连几天,他们过着貌合神离的生活。For several days they lead a formal, isolated existence.

不过貌合神离的合作关系充满着许多危机。But these odd-couple relationships can be fraught with peril.

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三心二意貌合神离你是我对手吗?In the game of emotional counterfeit, you think you're my match?

两人又貌合神离地默默同睡了,但同以前同床共枕的情形截然不同。They slept together once more, quietly, and distinct, not one together as before.

有时,举国之媒体会自得地深陷一桩貌合神离的美人计。Sometimes a country's entire journalism corps can fall into an apparent honey trap.

比起签订计划的时候,现在的双方在实现计划上显得貌合神离。Today the two sides are no closer to implementing the plan than they were on the day it was signed.

他和布什貌合神离,但是麦凯恩已经表示欢迎总统的支持。He and Bush have not always seen eye to eye, but McCain has said he will welcome the president's support.

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职务侵占罪与侵占罪有着貌合神离的关系,与贪污罪有着惊人的相似。The crime of official embezzlement and the crime of embezzlement have the relationship of being friendly in name only.

但是我接着意识到,格雷格,第三个月过后,他变得跟我只是貌合神离。But then I realized, Greg, after the third month, that he was getting to feel intimate with me without actually being intimate with me.

汤姆心里暗自认为玛莉的话太多了,玛莉却觉得汤姆忽视她。他们若不了解彼此的不同,将会日益貌合神离。Tom secretly thinks Mary talks too much, while Mary feels ignored. Without understanding their differences they will grow further apart.

试想,在那个空间中,如果充满暴力和冷战,同床异梦,貌合神离,家,将不成为其家。Just think, in that space, if be filled with violence and Cold War, have different dreams in the same bed, outwardly united actually alienated, house, won't become its home.

我不好直接揭穿她,毕竟大家在这场暗战里,各有各的立场,很可能是貌合神离的合作方式。I expose her not and very directly, after all everyone is in this dark war, each have each position, be very likely to be outwardly united actually alienated cooperation method.