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对不起,我被你弄迷糊了。I'm sorry. You lost me.

“它迷糊了你的头脑”。It messes with your head.

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我盯着他,有些迷糊。I stared at him, hypnotized.

这是故事梗概。迷糊餐馆。This is the outline of the story.

别被下标弄迷糊了。Don't be confused by the subscripts.

我听林斌老师讲的是时间状语从句啊我还迷糊呢。It was ten o'clock when Mum came home.

它们很容让人弄迷糊。There are a lot of things held constant.

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就是你们在境界里迷糊了,有师父可以问呀。If you get lost or muddle-headed, just ask me.

含糊导致犹豫和迷糊。Ambiguity leads to indecisiveness and confusion.

一名头脑迷糊的上层女子,她的人生An addled, upper-class girl, her life that passes

不要拿一大堆琐事把我搞迷糊。Don't befuddle me with all those masses of detail.

当我正处在迷糊的状态当中时,我感到严重的疲劳。When I’m in a rough patch, my tiredness feels heavy.

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只是他们的眼睛迷糊了,不认识他。But their eyes were holden that they should not know him.

毕竟,牛市太容易使人们迷糊。Afterall, it is easy to confuse genius with a bull market.

好吧,你们可能在这个上被我弄迷糊了,但是我是认真的!Okayso I may have lost some of you on this one but I’m serious!

车里的一男一女好像都有点迷糊,但并没有受伤。The man and woman in the other car seemed to be dazed but unhurt.

所以当我接到电话时,我还是非常迷糊的。So I was often pretty bleary when the governor called at that hour.

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好的,有点迷糊了,我们一起来Okay. There's a little confusion here so let's try to do it together.

一路迷糊,半推半就的个性,终于让我铸下大错。The perplexed and willy-nilly character has finally make a big mistake.

镜面对称所产生的关于爱与恨的双面效应就更让人觉得迷糊了。Even more ambivalent is this mirror-symmetric ambigram of love and hate.