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你想学到正本清源的中医吗?Do you want to learn authentic Chinese medicine in native China?

值中国制定物权法之际,我们必须正本清源,树立正确的所有权观念。So we must know what's wrong and what's right and have a good notion of ownership.

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回顾、总结这段历史,具有正本清源,恢复、发扬党的优良新闻传统的意义。Review this part of history is trying to find the springhead of the good journalism.

「这的确让我想起几年前的谷歌」,布林先生正本清源.....“This really reminds me of Google just a few years ago, ” said Mr Brin, to drive the point home.

现在,以人为本的伟大方针已被提出,不过教育理论仍肩负着正本清源的艰难任务。It put the nonessential before the essential. Now the great policy of people-oriented has been raised.

正确的进路是正本清源,以私法的概念重述民间的习惯法。The right way is to take radical reform and to restate folk traditional law with concepts in private law.

为当下陈式太极拳的教学起到正本清源的作用,为广大太极拳爱好者技艺的提高作出了应有的贡献。Chen Taiji for today's teaching a radical role in the majority of Taiji lovers skill improvement made due contributions.

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厘清“气韵”的含义对于我们正确地把握和理解中国古代艺术精神,将起到正本清源、明晰分理的作用。This knowledge will provide a clear perspective and help us to understand correctly the ancient Chinese artistic spirit.

正本清源,本文重点对其全集通行本——“瀛本”进行源流考述,以期为周必大研究打下文献基础。The paper mostly studies the headstream about Ying-edition of Zhou-Bida s corpora in order to lay a literature foundation.

现在,以人为本的伟大方针已被提出,不过教育理论仍肩负着正本清源的艰难任务。Now the great policy of people-oriented has been raised. The theory of education remains to should the heavy responsibility for reforming radically.

李梦阳诗歌的艺术渊源,以往学者多从理论上进行了辨析和考论,正本清源,还原了李梦阳诗学理论的本来面目。Based on analysis of artistic origin of Li Mengyang s poetry from the angle of theory, former scholars have restored the original theory of his poetry.

正本清源,会计规范研究方法应回归为会计一般研究方法,并可过渡为会计系统研究方法。Returning to a rational way of thinking, the methods in this regard should be traditionally and gradually transformed into a method of accounting system.

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不先除伪君子,无法正本清源,收到端正世道人心之功。Without first eliminating pretenders, we cannot rectify our foundation, purify our origin and receive the merit of straightening people's minds here in the world.

为了弄清这一理论问题,我们查阅了有关的文献资料,认识到“两个阶级一个阶层”论说法确实是不符合实际的,应当给予正本清源。After reviewing related literature, the author realizes that the hypothesis of "Two Classes and One Stratum" is indeed unrealistic and should be thoroughly corrected.

随着族群研究的日益深入,许多问题亦浮现出来,只有正本清源,从根本上探讨族群的概念,才能较好地回答目前有关族群之争的分歧。When we go deep into the research of ethnic group, we come across many problems. Those problems could be solved through radical reform on the concept of ethnic group.

再造健康的股市生态,我们就必须正本清源,突破传统发展观的樊篱,用科学发展观的观点认识和解决股市中的各种问题和矛盾。In order to rebuild healthy stock ecology, we need to change traditional view of development and solve the problems in stock market with scientific development concept.

从对诗中的“蘼芜”、“好”、“姝”的考释中,可以重新确定本诗的主旨,进而对诗歌所述说的社会生活进行正本清源的理解。From the study of these words "Mi Wu", "hao" and "shu" of this poem, we can confirm the purport of the poem, thus properly understanding the social life written in the poem.

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只有合理地解析高校法治的内涵才能正本清源、消除歧见,完善高校法治的制度体系。Only analysis on connotation of rule of law to university rationally can overhaul thoroughly and eliminate difference, and perfect legal system of rule of law to university.

国际社会应正本清源,对症下药,从引发危机的源头上加强治理。The international community should clear up the sources and get to the bottom of problems, suit the remedy to the case, and strengthen governance from the root of the crisis.

“研讨会”提高了人们对白酒的科学、客观、实事求是的认识和评价,倡导“科学、文明、适量饮酒有益健康”的饮酒观念和新风,为白酒正本清源、重塑形象。The advocacy of the drinking concept "Drinking is helpful for health" in the symposium could rebuild liquor image and improve peoples' correct recongnition on liquor drinking.