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留与你双眼的是两潭幽深池沼...And it leaves two dark pools in your eyes.

它在你的眼里留下两泓幽深的潭水。and it leaves two dark pools in your eyes.

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巫峡又名大峡,以幽深秀丽著称。Wu Gorge, also known as Great Gorge to a beautiful deep said.

你的叹息声回荡在这幽深的山谷里。Your sighing sound has been heard throughout the serene vale.

知识的小溪流沿着幽深而残破的山谷缓缓地流着。A little stream of knowledge tricked slowly through a deep worn gully.

所没有时间就仍然继续上行,去领略巫山的幽深秀丽。Do not have time to continue up to enjoy the beautiful deep in Wushan.

艾伯丁裂谷雨量丰沛、湖谷幽深、火山土肥沃并有丰富的生物多样性。The Rift is rich in rainfall, deep lakes, volcanic soil, and biodiversity.

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黑暗显得更加幽深,但这一幽深使他安心。The darkness was more profound than ever, but its very depth reassured him.

确实,那黝黑的漆板渊穆幽深,震慑心魂。Indeed, that ebony painting board goes far back in history and inspires awe.

阅读好书,就像与好友在幽深月色中把酒言欢。Reading a good book is like drinking wine with a good friend under the moon.

他发现了夜山的“雄奇、黑密、幽深、沉静”He discovered that the mountains at night were magnificent, mysterious and quiet.

她非常喜欢那片湖,安静,幽深的湖水荡涤着她的心灵。She was glad of the lake. It's soft, dark water helped to soothe and quiet her mind.

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幽深的探坑里显示了这些层层的石柱环是由冷冰冰的石灰石制成的。Deep test pits have shown that the floors of the rings are made of hardened limestone.

当他们在幽深的森林里醒来时,他们所能听见的只是猎号的声音。When they wake up deep in the woods , all they can hear is the sound of a hunting horn.

未几,来到一个幽深的洞穴前,洞内更加幽暗,身体也越觉发冷。A matter, came to a deep caves before, hole more body also is the darkness, sleep chills.

一次我走在幽深的峡谷中,碰到一只和母亲分开的小熊崽。Walking along in a lonesome glen, I had come across a bear cub separated from its mother.

这条从沃町鼎到刘易斯幽深的小径,叫做朱格斯巷,有着最吵闹的生灵。The deep banked path from Woodingdean to Lewes, called Juggs Lane, has the noisiest ghosts.

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实际上,只有2%的海底区域在海面20,000英尺以下,那个地带都是幽深阴暗的海沟。In fact, only about 2 percent of the seafloor lies below 20,000 feet, in deep, muddy trenches.

小窗幽深,漫舞着长发,望不穿的尘烟过往,吹冷腮边的泪。The window is deep, with long hair, never see through smoke past, blowing cold cheeks of tears.

灵岩寺峰峦奇秀,风光旖旎,以风景幽深、泉石秀丽著称于世。Temple Hill scenery, an exquisite scenery, scenery, to deep springs Shi Xiuli known to the world.