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我显得跟傻冒似的。I looked ludicrous.

她像被冻僵了似的坐着。She sat as if frozen.

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小孩子喘着粗气,像得了哮喘似的。Kids breathing asthma.

小汽车穿梭似的来来往往。Cars busied to and fro.

像大闹天宫似的。Havoc in Heaven, as if.

他看来没有生过病似的。He seems not to be ill.

他像猪似的号叫著。He squealed like a pig.

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啤酒真是够劲,跟毒品似的。Beer is a powerful drug.

她对仆人凶神恶煞似的。She is hell on servants.

她是像个圣徒似的死去吗?Did she die like a saint?

它使你看起来像傻瓜似的。It makes you look moronic.

帕比像个小孩似的傻笑一声。Pappy smirked like a child.

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花蕾似的女性是神圣的。Woman in the bud is sacred.

抗议书像雪片似的飞来。Written protests poured in.

今天你好像很快活似的!You seem very chirpy today!

科林像个男子汉似的在作战。Corm is fighting like a man.

他一直都像头鹿似的紧张。He’d been nervous as a deer.

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我头痛得快要裂开似的。I have a splitting headache.

她好像被打昏似的摔倒在地上。She collapsed as if poleaxed.

喝汤给喝血似的!Soup to drink the blood like!