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吉米的外祖母很喜欢玫瑰,也很爱初夏的季节。Jimmy's Gran loved roses and early summer.

十月份我的外祖母患了中风。My maternal grandmother had a stroke in October.

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放在角落里的大衣橱是我最近从外祖母那收到的礼物。The corner armoire was a recent gift from my grandmother.

母亲没有说父亲给了继外祖母什么。Mother had not told what father had given step-grandmother.

椅子上针织靠垫是我的外祖母Gagi做的。The needlepoint pillow on it was done by my grandmother, Gagi.

与她们在一起的是一对老人,那是艾薇塔的外祖父和外祖母。With them were an old man and an old woman—Ivetta’s grandparents.

梅甘原本还能从她慈爱的外祖母那里得到安慰。Megan normally could have turned to her beloved grandmother for comfort.

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我的外祖母是法若拉,一个著名的弗里曼草药医生。My maternal grandmother was Faroula, a noted herbalist among the Fremen.

你的外祖父和外祖母,你的朋友们。让我们假设这是你的生日。your grandparent, your friends. And I would even say it's your birthday.

今年,我收到了外祖母亲笔写的、充满浓浓关爱的圣诞贺卡。I got a handwritten, love-filled Christmas card from my Grandma this year.

我们见面后不久外祖母就去世了,所以我很庆幸自己得到了那次机会。My grandmother died shortly after I met her, so I am glad I got the chance.

这个残酷的人把所有的钱财都拿走了,撇下他自己的外祖母一人无依无靠。The cruel man took all the money and left his own grandmother high and dry.

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小女孩一早起来就向外祖母道早安。The little girl bid her grannie good morning as she gets up in the morning.

正如你所知,因为我妻子是我的继母的妈妈,所以她成了我的继外祖母。As you know, my wife is my stepgrandmother since she is my stepmother’s mother.

我的继外祖母身体矮而黑瘦,有严重的痨病。My step-grandmother was thin and black in short height with serious tuberculosis.

与此同时在后方家园,我的外祖母抚养着他们的子女,并在一条生产轰炸机的流水线上工。Back home, my grandmother raised a baby and went to work on a bomber assembly line.

她的外祖母不像大多数同龄的女人那样染了头发并剪成短发。Her grandmother, unlike most women her age, had hair that was neither dyed nor cut.

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你的12岁的孩子也可以帮助他们的外祖母使用Google进行检索。Information is free. Your 12-year-old kid can help their grandma do a Google search.

在女儿玛娅点了一份麦当劳“快乐套餐”后,外祖母发现这份快餐包装�有一个避孕套。She said her mother discovered the opened condom after her daughter ordered a Happy Meal.

黛玉方进入房时,只见两个人搀着一位鬓发如银的老母迎上来,黛玉便知是他外祖母。When Daiyu entered the house, she saw an old lady supported by two maids's hands came to her.